Vic Gundotra posts fairly regularly on his Google+ page. Sometimes he even shares some images that reveal minor details of unannounced products. That one came last year when he shared images taken with a Nexus 10 tablet ahead of the official announcement. More recently though, Gundotra took to G+ with a few comments that have once again fueled the Nexus 5 and Android 4.4 rumors.
He began things late last night when he mentioned he “can’t sleep.” That comment also made mention of how this always happens to him on Sunday nights because “working at Google is that exciting.”
Can’t sleep. Always happens to me on Sunday nights. Yes working at Google is that exciting.
While the always happens bit of that comment would lead one to believe he was just talking aloud, he did follow up with another comment, and this one was directed at Sundar Pichai.
Keep in mind these comments could mean nothing more than what they are — simple comments. And while that may be the case, the rumor train has once again gone into overdrive. That follow up comment was Vic Gundotra asking is Sundar Pichai is also “struggling to fall asleep.”
Hey +Sundar Pichai you struggling to fall asleep too?
Basically, this makes it sound sort of like Google has something planned for today. Or maybe, for this week. Given we have yet to see the flood of event invites arrive for the media, we are not expecting Google to announce the Nexus 5 or Kit Kat today. If anything, maybe Google is planning to send those invitations out today for an event later in the week/month.
At present the rumors seem to be pointing towards November 1, though we have also heard the Nexus 5 would be available in the Play Store beginning on October 31.
That all being said, while it is fun to see the chatter spread over such simple comments, we do have to remember that nothing is official just yet. For that, we wait for the official word from Google and for Kit Kat to begin arriving on devices and the Nexus 5 to arrive in the Play Store.