We have seen rumors suggesting the Galaxy S4 Active was going to get a processor bump in the past. In fact, details suggesting the handset would arrive with a Snapdragon 800 processor turned up in some benchmarks back in early-August. Well, flash forward till today and it looks like that Galaxy S4 Active reboot may be happing sometime soon.
This latest round of details is coming by way of the Korean language Naver and is suggesting a Snapdragon 800 powered Galaxy S4 Active could arrive as soon as next month. But before any current AT&T Galaxy S4 Active users begin to get upset — it doesn’t look like this model will be coming to the US market. In fact, according to the report, this model will be available only in Korea.
Further details in this report bring talk of how the handset was pushed back a bit to give some additional time for the release of the Galaxy Note 3. While we certainly cannot question that bit, it sort of seems like the Galaxy Note 3 and Galaxy S4 Active would each have their own unique audience. Anyway, aside from the bump in terms of the processor — it looks like the remaining specs will stay the same.
Basically, that is to say those in Korea could end up seeing a Galaxy S4 Active with a 5-inch Full HD display, 2GB of RAM, 16GB of internal storage, microSD card slot, 2600 mAh battery, WiFi, Bluetooth 4.0 and a Snapdragon 800 processor. The handset also sports a 2 megapixel front-facing camera and 8 megapixel rear-facing camera along with an IP67 certification for protection against dust and water.
In comparison, the currently available Galaxy S4 Active has a quad-core 1.9GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 processor. Otherwise, in addition to the Galaxy S4 Active being available for those in the US, the handset also came available in the UK back in July.
VIA: SamMobile