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- Best Android apps for buying or selling on Craigslist and eBay
- Vodafone Australia’s Nexus S to get Android 4.1 Jelly Bean
- Boeing 787 Dreamliner: the mother of all Android infotainment systems
- Kyocera Hydro heading to Boost Mobile
- Jelly Bean OS nightlies available for Motorola Xoom 4G and WiFi versions
- German court rules in favor of Motorola in patent infringement lawsuit by Apple
- Best ninja games for Android
- Fourth-gen Google Nexus smartphone coming by the end of the year?
- Lara Croft: Guardian of Light available on Google Play, Xperia-exclusive for now
- Rogers’ Sony Xperia Ion officially on sale for $49.99
Best Android apps for buying or selling on Craigslist and eBay Posted: 18 Jul 2012 03:00 AM PDT Unless you’re strict on spring cleaning, chances are you’ve got a lot of stuff lying around that you really don’t need. If you’ve finally gathered the strength to part with them, there are a number of options available to you to get rid of them. You can give them to friends and family who need the items more than you do, for example. You can also donate items to the less fortunate. Of course, there’s the option of simply shucking your useless stuff into the trashcan. While all those are fast and effective ways of uncluttering your space, they don’t give you back the money you spent on those things. “One’s trash is another’s treasure” is the very essence of garage sales and flea markets, but if you don’t have the time to arrange one or if your network of local friends is just too small, turn to our good old friend, the Internet. There are a number of sites and forums you can visit to post your items on and two of the most popular ones are eBay and Craigslist. Though you can access them easily from your computer browser, you may not have the time to watch your item posts all day. If you need to step out of the house, you won’t need to worry about not keeping updated because we’ve put together the best Android apps for buying or selling on Craigslist and eBay. We literally scoured the Google Play Store so you can save time looking for an app for you and channel more of your time into selling your stuff, or, if your resolve crumbles easily, acquiring more stuff. Read on to know more about the best Android apps for buying or selling on Craigslist and eBay. Craigslist MobileStarting our list is an app that allows you to search with photo previews and to post to Craigslist right from your Android phone. It’s called Craigslist Mobile, an app with a simple, intuitive interface but packed with features to make searching, posting, browsing, and replying to easily from the palm of your hand. It supports all major countries and states, so Craigslist users are bound to find something for them, no matter where they’re located. Save posts that might come in handy in the future to your Favorites for easy access. If you finally find something that you like, you won’t have to leave the app to contact the ad posters. Simply use Craiglist Mobile to e-mail the posters or give them a call. If browsing is so easy with this app, wouldn’t it drain your battery? Craigslist Mobile promises to be battery-friendly and does not have any background processes to suck your device’s battery dry. Craigslist BrowserIf you need an alternative app to browse with, there’s Craigslist Browser. This app boasts an easy interface and fast navigation. Downloading the app, we certainly saw that it wasn’t exaggerating. It allows you to browse all the U.S. states and cities, which, unfortunately, means that if you’re a Craigslist user located outside of the U.S., this app might not be of much help to you. Tap on the state of your choice and you’ll see the various cities. Tap on the city you’re in and you can access Craigslist’s various categories. Reply to an ad that catches your interest using the Craigslist Browser and receive an answer without having to power up your computer. If you see something your friends or family members might be interested in, you can easily e-mail the listing to them. No need to squint through walls of text because Craigslist Browser comes with phone number detection. Browse Craigslist easily without having to turn on your computer with Craigslist Browser. Craigslist for Android (CLapp)Craigslist for Android, also known a CLapp, is a Craigslist search application written by a Craigslist addict for Craigslist addicts. The app aims to be easy to use and to be visually appealing, but it’s more than that. It also has a number of features such as tabbed views for Search, Saved Searches, Favorites, and Browse. You can easily swipe between tabs and search all Craigslist locations by choosing either the full list, proximity, or recently searched locations. If you’re on the go, CLapp lets you save your searches so you can go through them again later or you can simply save your favorite ads. Browsing Craigslist is also easier, since CLapp provides you with an image preview. You can reply to ads while you’re viewing them via e-mail, phone, or text message. If you’re worried about CLapp not translating well to larger screens, such as a tablet’s, then you can rest your head as CLapp has tablet support. Enjoy browsing Craigslist using CLapp for your Android device today. CraigsPro+ Craigslist + AlertsUp next is CraigsPro+ Craigslist + Alerts, another app that lets you browse Craigslist easily from your Android device. This app lets you run simultaneous multi-city searches. The app features a Map browser which gives you an idea of the ads in your area and those closest to you, a photo wall, and GPS-based auto-location. You won’t need to squint at the screen because CraigsPro+ has zoomable full screen photos. This app also includes Search Agents that run in the background even after you’ve exited CraigsPro+. These Search Agents will do the scouring for you, and will notify you of new postings using Push Notifications. You can register any of your searches as a Search Agent and run up to 15 Search Agents searching up to 10 cities each. You can also enjoy “Time Since Posted” indicators on the ads and being able to post from multiple Craigslist accounts. You can easily manage your Craigslist account, including reposting, editing and deleting as well as undeleting posted ads. Get this app for a small fee from the Google Play Store. Craigslist ProHere’s another Craigslist app that promises “the Ultimate Craigslist Experience.” Don’t be fooled by its name; Craigslist Pro isn’t a paid app, but it certainly packs quite a number of features. It allows you to search multiple cities simultaneously and preview results with thumbnail photos and item descriptions to help you find what you need at a glance. Craigslist Pro’s GPS-based Auto-location will automatically find and suggest Craigslist areas closest to you. Post photos to Craigslist through Craigslist Pro and easily manage your Craigslist account. You can even save and reuse fully configured searches. Craigslist Pro also works with Google Maps to retrieve directions to listings from your current location. Craigslist Pro is also equipped with Search Agents that will notify you as soon as a new post matching your search requirements appears on Craigslist. The best part of all, Craigslist Pro gives you access to The Best of Craigslist category where all the outrageously hilarious postings have been archived. Advanced Craigslist SearchAptly named, Advanced Craigslist Search helps you find things through refining your search. Start by specifying what to search for then select the filters you want, such as the item type and the location. This app will perform automatic searches for merchandise, jobs, personals, and other postings that you want. Browse the results and save your favorite queries and results. If you know a few people who might find something they’d like, you can share an ad with friends. Advanced Craigslist Search supports filters, voice input, shake to search, gestures, and maps. Unfortunately, the app may need a few improvements. Users have complained that they’d like to be able to reply to ads without having to write down the specified address or phone number. Advanced Craigslist Search also does not seem to have the option to select and copy text, but we hope that the developers will add these features in the future. Some users have also found the app’s dark and small font to be a bit hard to read. Official eBay Android AppWe’ve covered all sorts of Craigslist browsing apps, but what about eBay? The official eBay Android App gives users features to help them quickly find what they’re looking for. Users can use keywords or they can browse through eBay’s extensive categories to discover items of interest. If you’re out shopping, scan a barcode so you can easily find and compare popular items. Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Refine your search to narrow it down to the results that matter to you. Save your common searches and get notified when new items match. You can also save your favorite sellers to quickly see what they’ve listed recently. If you’ve finally found the item you’ve been scouring for, you can easily buy, bid, and make offers. You won’t even need to fire up your Web browser and leave the Official eBay Android App because you can do all of that right within the app. Pocket Auctions for eBayAn alternative to the Official eBay Android App is Pocket Auctions for eBay. This app can give eBay users speedy access to eBay right from their Android devices. Everything you need is right on the app’s homescreen, from the Search bar to My eBay, what’s Popular, Deals that you might be interested in, your History, barcode Scanning, and Live Chat. You can further refine your search in case you don’t want to sift through a long list of results. You can view all active auctions, the current bids, how long until the end of the auction, and how many people have placed bids for an item. If you spot a gadget you’ve been eyeing, you can place your bid through Pocket Auctions for eBay. Easily browse auctions on your mobile device using Pocket Auctions for eBay on your Android device today. Download it from the Google Play Store for free. Droid Auctions eBayWith Droid Auctions eBay, you can easily search eBay for something you might be interested in. Maybe something to add to your growing geek collection or a gift for your grand-aunt. With Droid Auctions eBay, you can place BIDs and BINs. Make sure to view feedback before you purchase an item. If an item doesn’t meet your expectations or if the item exceeds your expectations, you can also leave feedback using Droid Auctions eBay. You can setup notifcations for when you’re outbid, if you won or lost a bid, if you’ve received a bid, if you’ve sold something, and if something’s unsold. You can also send and receive messages from other eBay members. Use your saved eBay searches for when that item you were looking for could really come in handy. You can also get calendar reminders. This app is free to download, but take note that it is ad-supported. If the ads bug you and you’d like to support the developers, you can purchase the ad-free version for a small fee. eBay Kleinanzeigen for Germany“Free, simple, local,” is eBay Kleinanzeigen for Germany‘s catchphrase. True to its name, eBay Kleinanzeigen is the perfect app for German eBay users to search and post their own classified ads in their neighborhood. Whether it’s a used car, a flat for rent, second-hand furniture, a new job, or a number of other things, this app lets you find what you need in Germany. Posting ads is free and easy. Simply select a category, write the product’s description, take a picture of it and post it. It’ll be easy for people in your neighborhood to find it. You’ll also be able to find ads near your location through the use of GPS. You don’t have to worry about checking out ads that aren’t up to date because eBay Kleinanzeigen always provides the newest ads. Users have commented that the app may not be the prettiest but that it is certainly useful. If you’re willing to overlook eBay Kleinanzeigen’s look, you’ll have a powerful German eBay browser to help you locate ads in your area, as well as post your own ads. FullPage for eBay (USA)If you’ve been haunting eBay for deals and selling your own items even before you could take eBay with you on your mobile device, you’ve probably felt that browsing eBay on your phone just isn’t the same as browsing it from your computer. The things you’re used to seeing on your computer browser just aren’t in the same places on your mobile device — something that could lead your attention to fiddling with the app rather than scouring for the best deals. For the person who misses his or her eBay browsing experience from days before smartphones, there’s an app that gives you the same eBay view that you can enjoy from your computer. Introducing FullPage for eBay (USA), an app that allows you to see a full eBay website just like you would using your computer browser, helping you increase your enjoyment and your efficiency by using the eBay website. FullPage has been streamlined so nothing will hinder your eBay usage, and it’s also secure, allowing you to view both eBay and PayPal in a dual-tab view. eBay ExplorerCan’t get enough of that computer browser feel for exploring eBay? eBay Explorer is another app that allows full-screen browsing of eBay pages in the same look as what you’d see on your computer desktop. It’s compatible with any eBay site worldwide. Choose the eBay site for your home country or the country you currently reside in and get access to local deals. Browsing can be done in both portrait and landscape modes, but to get the same feel as browsing on your desktop computer, we recommend browsing with eBay Explorer in landscape mode. On the left, you’ll see the various categories you can scour for the item you need. At the top of the screen, you’ll find the Sign In or Register options and a little to the right, there’s the My eBay, Sell, and Community options. The app is free and contains no ads, but there is advertising on the eBay pages. If they bother you, however, the developers have mentioned that the ads on the eBay pages can be blocked. eBay ClassifiedsYou can access free, local classified ads wherever you are in the U.S. with eBay Classifieds. This app combines eBay Classifieds with being able to take pictures of your items and being able to instantly post your ads to the website. You also get access to local ads so you don’t have to deal with the hassle of shipping. eBay Classifieds lets you put up the things you want to sell, together with a maximum of eight pictures per ad, from your camera or your photo library, while at the same time giving you the convenience of finding what’s interesting near you. Search for items using keywords, price, distance or any attribute. Thanks to auto-locate, the eBay Classifieds app can direct you to the closest eBay Classifieds area. Not only can you view ads and post them; you can also reply to them and forward them to interested friends on Facebook and Twitter. Conveniently view all ad images on one page and keep tabs on ads with the Watch List function. Myibidder Bid Sniper for eBayBidding has its pros and cons. You can be lucky and get an item way lower than its original selling price. However, you might not be the only one watching that item with the dedication of a predator. Other interested people might be watching your every move and next thing you know, you’ll have engaged in a bidding war. Sometimes it’s just better to let an item go, but if your competition backed out at the last second, you may find yourself paying for an item way more than you expected to. Stop hurting your wallet and let Myibidder Bid Sniper for eBay do all the work for you. Instead of directly bidding, you can specify which auctions you’re interested in and the highest amount you’re willing to pay. Myibidder will then watch the auction for you and will place your bid at the last second so that no other bidder has time to react. You can be slumbering peacefully when Myibidder places your bids for you. Bidding will never be the same again. Download Myibidder Bid Sniper for eBay today for your Android device. Auction SniperHere’s another auction sniper that can help you snag those details you want at the last minute. Say goodbye to watching auctions all night long and pointless, financially draining bidding wars. Auction Sniper will place an automated bid, based on your preferences, in the last seconds of an eBay auction to increase the likelihood of a winning bid. Auction Sniper also lets you import eBay watches, as well as place, edit, and delete snipes. At the bottom of the app screen, you can see the Active, Won, and Lost tabs. Tap on Active to see all the active auctions that you’re keeping an eye on. You can revel in your past victories by tapping on the Won tab or contemplate on the items that got away on the Lost tab. You can get Auction Sniper for free from the Google Play Store. Take note that Auction Sniper is only free for the first three auctions that you win. Afterwards, Auction Sniper will charge 1% of the final auction price with a minimum fee of US$0.25 and a maximum fee of US$9.95 for the auctions that you win. eBay CalculatorEasily calculate your eBay and PayPal fees, costs, and profit, and maximize your earnings using the eBay Calculator. This app supports eBay for the United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. It’s up-to-date and uses the latest eBay fees to provide you accurate calculations. The eBay Calculator lists almost every category available as well as a Postage Checker. If you have a good idea of how much your eBay fees are but you’d like some help in determining your PayPal fees, eBay Calculator also has a standalone PayPal calculator. Once you’ve figured out your eBay and PayPal fees, you can confidently put up your item. If the item you’re selling isn’t getting enough attention, then you can share it with your friends on Facebook using the eBay Calculator. Get the eBay Calculator from the Google Play Store today for a small fee. What’s it worth?If you’re selling your stuff, it’s only natural to want to sell your items at the appropriate price. Charging too little might attract a lot of buyers but it will definitely leave you short on cash. Charge too much and you’ll drive away buyers. How are you supposed to know how much to charge for a certain item? You can stop scratching your head because What’s it worth? is the app that can help you out. It determines the average eBay value of an article from the successfully sold items in the last few weeks. What’s it worth? also calculates median and price range, as well as the prices by days of the week. If you don’t have anything to sell, no problem! What’s it worth? also helps you check if a supposed bargain may be cheaper on eBay. It’s the perfect companion for flea market rounds or yard sales. QUICK for eBay & CraigslistLast but not the least, there’s QUICK for eBay & Craigslist. Like it says in the tin, QUICK helps you sell things much faster than other apps. The apps we’ve already tackled gave you access exclusively to only eBay or Craigslist. QUICK kicks it up a notch by giving you access to both of them. If you want to sell something, you can simply take a picture of it or scan its Barcode. Post your ad, then share it to Facebook, Twitter, Craigslist, eBay, and other online marketplaces. That means you not only share it with friends but with a larger network of possible buyers, as well. Potential buyers can use the QUICK app to either buy the item or try to make the seller an offer. You can also communicate with the seller in real time, but not via SMS messages or e-mail. QUICK comes with its own messaging system, so you and the buyer can strike a deal without wasting any time. What are you waiting for? With all those eBay and Craigslist apps at your disposal, it’s time for you to declutter your space and get rid of things you don’t need, while making some extra money. For readers who are looking for things to decorate their homes, give as gifts, or to expand their collections on certain things, these apps are sure to help you find what you’re looking for. Which one of these apps are you using to buy and sell on eBay and/or Craigslist? If we missed your favorite eBay or Craigslist app, please don’t hesitate to let us know what it is in a comment below. This article, Best Android apps for buying or selling on Craigslist and eBay , was originally published at - Your Android News Source. |
Vodafone Australia’s Nexus S to get Android 4.1 Jelly Bean Posted: 18 Jul 2012 02:53 AM PDT
In its software update weekly wrap, the Nexus S is written down as the first recipient of the Jelly Bean dessert. The status for the roll out is listed as:
What's rather odd is that the Galaxy Nexus, which is the first of two devices – along with the Nexus 7 – to officially sport Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, will be getting it later than the older Nexus S. Of course, we're talking about the non-Takju and Yakju build of the phone. The software update for the Galaxy Nexus is apparently still being prepared "for submission to Vodafone for testing." Never mind that Google hasn't even released the Jelly Bean image for the Nexus S on its website, the news should be greatly welcomed by owners of the device down under. Some noteworthy additions to Jelly Bean include the Siri-competitor Google Now and Project Butter for that extra smooth performance. For folks sporting the Nexus S in Australia, are you excited about the surprisingly swift Jelly Bean update for your device? This article, Vodafone Australia's Nexus S to get Android 4.1 Jelly Bean , was originally published at - Your Android News Source. |
Boeing 787 Dreamliner: the mother of all Android infotainment systems Posted: 18 Jul 2012 02:13 AM PDT
Although Boeing has announced that the number of 787 orders has ramped up to 859, only 14 planes have been shipped thus far. One of them, belonging to Qatar Airways, was recently showcased at the Farnborough International Airshow in the UK , and although it should use 20% less fuel than a Boeing 767 and is as classy as you can imagine, what really impresses Android fans is the fact that each of its 254 seats come equipped with an Android-based Thales IEFC (in-flight entertainment and connectivity) system. Just in case you're wondering why does it looks like I'm praising the Thales IEFC, the reason is because its specs include a 17-inch display for the business class (10-inch display for the economy class), a STMicro dual-core ARM-based processor, 1 GB of RAM and a 256GB Solid State Drive (SSD). That’s inside each of the 254 seats of the Dreamliner! As for the main server, it is equally impressive, featuring 32 x86 cores, 128 GB of RAM and a whopping 4TB (as in 4000GB) of SSD storage space. Passengers will also be able to make calls using the 3G microcell, as well as access the plane’s Wi-Fi network to access the Internet. While the total 69TB of SSD storage space definitely doesn't come cheap, Extremetech did some numbers, and it turns out that the airlines could save a little under 1.5 million dollars worth of fuel each year, thanks to the fact that Solid State Drives are considerably lighter than regular hard drives. The passenger wins, the airlines win! That seems like a very cool principle to me, although you can feel free to drop an anti-corporatist / anti-capitalist comment in the section below! No related posts. This article, Boeing 787 Dreamliner: the mother of all Android infotainment systems , was originally published at - Your Android News Source. |
Kyocera Hydro heading to Boost Mobile Posted: 17 Jul 2012 11:46 PM PDT
The Hydro is “certified waterproof for IPX5, protection against water jets, and IPX7, protection against water immersion for up to 30 minutes in up to 1 meter (3.3 ft).” Granted, the phone is inoperable when underwater or when wet, so you can forget any of those amazing underwater camera shots you had planned. But it’s still a great buy for anyone who’s lost one too many phones to water damage. Other specifications of the Kyocera Hydro include:
The specifications of the Hydro, other than the unique waterproof capability, are decidedly mid-range, but features a price tag to reflect that. You can pick up the Kyocera Hydro from Boost Mobile retail stores, or order it online. You can find out more about the Hydro here. What are your thoughts? Will you be picking up the Kyocera Hydro? Did you have any funny “dropped my phone in the water” stories? Let us know in the comments section below. Get Wet and Be Worry-Free This Summer with the Waterproof Kyocera Hydro Android Smartphone from Boost Mobile Boost Mobile, a leader in the no-contract wireless industry, makes a splash this summer by unveiling the Kyocera Hydro, the first IPX5- and IPX7-level water-proof Android™-powered smartphone that doesn’t require a contract. Kyocera Hydro is “oops proof,” with innovative technology built to withstand sprayed water like rain (IPX5) or even being submerged in three (3) feet of fresh water for up to 30 minutes* (IPX7). Boost Mobile and Kyocera recognize that mobile phone accidents happen, but unlike cracked screens or broken keypads that can be replaced, water damage is usually irreversible. In almost all cases, water damage results in nothing more than a good-looking paperweight. According to industry statistics, more than 82.5 million mobile phones nationwide have been destroyed by water or moisture. Water damage also drives more than 20 percent of handset insurance claims during the summer months as consumers look to stay cool and connected by the pool. Kyocera Hydro will be available starting Aug. 3 for $129.99 (excluding taxes) at Boost Mobile’s exclusive retail stores, select independent wireless dealer locations nationwide and at with free shipping. The lightweight 3G smartphone, weighing only 4.16 ounces, will be available in select national retail locations later next month. “With other water-soaked smartphones, consumers instantly move into MacGyver mode attempting to beat the odds with dry rice, Ziploc bags and other home remedies that rarely work,” said Andre Smith, vice president-Boost Mobile. “With the Kyocera Hydro, consumers can eliminate the panic of water damage and just enjoy their affordable Android-powered smartphone paired with Boost’s award-winning no-contract service with payments that shrink over time.” Kyocera Hydro is paired with Boost Mobile’s no-contract $55 Android Monthly Unlimited plan with Shrinking Payments. For every six on-time payments, the cost of Boost Mobile’s Monthly Unlimited plan shrinks by $5, eventually getting down to as low as $40 a month for unlimited nationwide talk, text and picture messaging, Web, email and calls to 411. Payments do not need to be consecutive to qualify for the next savings milestone. “Kyocera Hydro offers a great value for a sleek, fully featured smartphone – and being waterproof is really the icing on the cake,” said Eric Anderson, senior vice president and general manager of global sales and marketing at Kyocera Communications, Inc. “Wireless devices and water generally are not a good combination, but with Hydro you finally get the peace of mind to know that they can peacefully coexist.” Features of the Kyocera Hydro include: Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich operating system This article, Kyocera Hydro heading to Boost Mobile , was originally published at - Your Android News Source. |
Jelly Bean OS nightlies available for Motorola Xoom 4G and WiFi versions Posted: 17 Jul 2012 11:33 PM PDT
With the release of the Android 4.1.1 source code, third-party developers have been hard at work to get functional Jelly Bean custom ROMs up and running. Even though the Motorola Xoom is promised to be one of the first devices, and the first tablet, to receive an official update to Android 4.1, for many, “soon” isn’t soon enough. As such, the Motorola Xoom tablet is one such device for which an unofficial JB ROM is now available. Recognized Developer team teameos has released AOSP-based Jelly Bean nightlies for both the 4G (codenamed Stingray) and the WiFi-only (codenamed Wingray) versions of the Xoom. Unfortunately, since this a nightly build, we don’t have an exact list of features that are working. You can check out an up-to-date and comprehensive list of changes here. Remember that these are nightlies, so the stability of the ROM could vary on a day to day basis. Further, Team EOS mentions that a particular release may be less stable than a previous version. Also, Team EOS are in no way responsible for any loss of data or device functionality and you will be installing this ROM at your own risk. Of course, some amount of technical know-how is always recommended as there is always a chance that something might go wrong. If you do decide to try out this ROM, you can find the download and installation instructions for the WiFi-only version here and the 4G version here. You can also help out the developers by reporting any unexpected bugs or errors here. What are your thoughts? Will you be trying out this JB ROM? If you have already done so, let us know your experience in the comments section below. No related posts. This article, Jelly Bean OS nightlies available for Motorola Xoom 4G and WiFi versions , was originally published at - Your Android News Source. |
German court rules in favor of Motorola in patent infringement lawsuit by Apple Posted: 17 Jul 2012 11:17 PM PDT
I’m sure it’s not surprising to anyone that Apple is involved in over 60% of the patent infringement lawsuits around the world. One such case was a lawsuit Apple filed against Motorola in Germany, in which the Google-owned company was accused of infringing three iPad designs with the Motorola Xoom. In a victory for Motorola, and therefore Google, the judges of the Duesseldorf court, ruled that the Motorola Xoom tablet doesn’t infringe on the iPad. It always looked like the result was heading in this direction. Back in March during a previous hearing, Judge Johanna Brueckner-Hofmann had said that the evenly bent back and the shaped edges on the front of the Xoom gave the product an individual character. At least this time it isn’t because the device isn’t “cool” enough. On the downside, a counter-suit from Motorola bringing into question the validity of the iPad’s design patent, was also rejected. A spokesman for the court stated that since both claims were rejected, it ordered both parties to split the costs, albeit unevenly, with Apple required to pay two-thirds and Motorola responsible for the remaining. I’m sure an appeal of this decision is already in the works, apart from which, Apple is also suing both Motorola and Samsung for a patent infringement related to multi-touch devices, in another German court. Of course, it’s not only Apple that is the root of all these lawsuits, with Android device manufacturers such as HTC, Samsung, and Motorola also suing and counter-suing Apple in a seemingly vicious game of ping-pong. Granted, there are a lot of financial, intellectual, and legal implications and reasons, but these multiple patent infringement lawsuits flying around, at least for the layman, is a black mark in an otherwise amazing world of mobile technology. No related posts. This article, German court rules in favor of Motorola in patent infringement lawsuit by Apple , was originally published at - Your Android News Source. |
Posted: 17 Jul 2012 09:00 PM PDT People have always held a fascination for dangers lurking in the shadows. Whether they are ghosts or curses or assassins, people are drawn to them like moths to a flame. Perhaps it’s the promise of a swift and efficient kill or the life of silence and danger. Regardless, the ninja has been an object of fascination for centuries. These covert agents and master assassins have been the focus of many forms of media, from books, to anime, and to games. At some point in our lives, probably all of us have dreamed of becoming ninjas. Though becoming one may be a huge challenge for the everyday John or Jane, games let us assume the roles of these hidden warriors. We’ve put together some of the best ninja games for Android devices, so you can live or relive your dream of stealth, skill, and secrecy with the help of your Android phone. Fruit Ninja FreeWhat kind of list of ninja games would this be if we didn’t kick it off with Fruit Ninja Free? Though ninjas are primarily known for their swift assassinations and their espionage, they’re also quite famous for being deft with a blade. Fruit Ninja Free puts you in the role of a ninja and pits you against fruit. You read that right, fruit. Fruits of all sizes, shapes, and colors will be launched into the air and your goal is to slice through them. Hone your skills and slice two, three, four, or even five fruits in one swing. But, don’t get reckless! Watch out for bombs that may be launched together with your fruit targets. Slicing through a bomb means instant game over for you, but don’t be too overly cautious, either. If you refuse to swing your blade while both fruit and bomb are in the air, you may just drop your fruit. Three missed fruits equals game over, as well, so exercise caution and attentiveness. Though Fruit Ninja can be played by swiping your fingertip across the screen, you can enjoy the game even more if you use a stylus. Ninja slash FireballIf you’re tired of fruit and you want a taste of something more dangerous, you can play Ninja slash Fireball. Instead of slicing through fruits, you need to cut the board small enough to extinguish fireballs. Use the tip of your finger to cut the board smaller and smaller, but be careful not to separate the fireballs. Keep whittling away at the board until you reach the indicated target percent and advance to the next level. Just when you think you’ve gotten the hang of things, new fireballs are introduced as you progress. Improve your slashing experience with buffs, but keep in mind that not all of them will help you. Some buffs also disturb the balls’ former moving status. Enjoy 50 entertaining levels that will truly test your skill as a ninja. To enjoy this app to the fullest, try playing it on large screen devices such as tablets. Master precision and planning by downloading Ninja slash Fireball to your Android device today. Yoo Ninja! FreePart of what makes ninjas so deadly is their skill of running along rooftops and jumping from place to place. You’re probably exhausted from slicing your way through fruits and carefully cutting away at boards to extinguish fireballs, so it’s time to get some exercise with Yoo Ninja! Free. Though the game describes itself as “simple,” Yoo Ninja is a fast and addictive Android game. Defy gravity and jump up and down different barriers. Don’t spare a second to slow down because those darts hot on your heels will spell instant death if they hit you. Visit 4 different worlds and enjoy Story Mode’s 34 different levels, all while you’re running for your life. If you want to enjoy the fun even more, play the Endless Mode. Users have reported that, though Yoo Ninja! is short, the difficulty curve is appropriate enough that you’ll find it difficult to put this game down. If Yoo Ninja! Free isn’t enough for you, you can also download Yoo Ninja! Plus for more non-stop running. Ninja ChickenYou read that right. Ninja Chicken is a game that puts you in the feathery shoes of a chicken afflicted with dementia. Because of an accident, this bird now thinks it’s a ninja, but not just any ninja. This chicken believes that it is the best one of them all. You may laugh along with its friends, but don’t let its feathery exterior fool you. In a quest to prove itself as a ninja to its chicken friends, this fowl embarks on a dangerous quest. This fowl warrior has the agility to leap over obstacles and run like the wind. Controlling the Ninja Chicken is easy. As it runs across the screen, help it leap over objects by pressing the Up button on the right side of the screen. Watch out for low objects! Hit the Down button on the left side of the screen to duck under them. Launch the chicken into the air to collect acorns and pick up items to help you slice through obstacles. NinJumpWe’re not quite done exploring the various skills of ninjas. Now that you’ve sliced and diced and you’ve run for your life, it’s now time to climb! NinJump‘s goal is for you to rise as high as you can while avoiding obstacles like killer squirrels and angry birds. Disgruntled wildlife isn’t the only thing you’re up against. Watch out for enemy ninjas, throwing shurikens and exploding bombs. All you need is a single tap to jump from one wall to another, knocking obstacles through the air as you do. Want to go even higher? Knock down three enemies of the same kind to trigger mega-jump bonuses. Plow your enemies with shields, but keep your eyes open for ledges and enemy ninjas because they can send you straight to your doom. How high can you climb? Test your ninja climbing skills with NinJump today. Download it for your Android device from the Google Play Store. Moon ChaserAnother part of the ninja myth is how these deadly covert operatives seem to fly. Either by grappling hook and cable, by fancy flying contraption, or by some supernatural power, ninjas have been imagined to swoop down on their target, make their kill in the still of the night, and take off into the sky. Moon Chaser puts you in the shoes of the Flying Ninja. True to this mysterious warrior’s name, he defies gravity. His gift of flight may be because of the lunar eclipse, but it seems to last only until the moon is completely eclipsed. Race through the ups and downs of hills, slopes, and inclines, and collect as many coins as possible before the moon is fully eclipsed. The Flying Ninja has no problem staying in the air, but he’ll need your help to get his feet on the ground. Increase gravity by touching the screen and collect items. Take off again by removing your finger from the screen. Fly across large divides but don’t forget to come back down to collect coins. Ninja Rush HDCan you run, jump, swing, and shoot all at the same time? Those previous apps may have given you a taste of what being a ninja is like, but you haven’t had to pool all your skills together. In Ninja Rush HD, you’ll need to run until you reach the end of the ninja world. This side-scrolling game will have you running across the screen and jumping across platforms. Mind those gaps because falling can mean instant death. Watch out for extra large gaps! You can double-jump to span the space, but if it’s beyond your abilities and you see the ceiling, throw your ninja rope and swing across the divide. That isn’t all there is to the game, however. There are enemies patrolling the platforms. Tap the shuriken button and tear them down before you even reach them. Download Ninja Rush HD for your Android device today and practice all your ninja skills. Devil Ninja 2Now that you’ve tested all your ninja skills and you’re all warmed up, it’s time to embark on an epic journey with Devil Ninja 2. In this fast-paced fighting game, you’ll descend into the Devil’s Land to fight against monsters and defeat the devil king. Slash and hack your way through beautifully designed monster enemies against a twisted backdrop. Get that perfect combo kill to get more energy balls and power ups! You can pick up a variety of items, such as a sword, darts, a fire dragon, shock waves, and energy bars to increase your combat effectiveness. You can jump over cliffs, but if you need to go even higher, double-jump! Devil Ninja 2 supports multi-touch, leaderboards, tablets, and HD resolution. If you’re itching to play Devil Ninja 2, you’ll need at least Android 2.0. You can download it for free from the Google Play Store. Ninja RoyaleOnce you’ve slain the devil king in the Devil Land, it’s now time to go up against other ninjas in Ninja Royale. Using an always-evolving battle system that uses both taps and slashes, you can defeat formidable foes. You can opt to greet other ninjas with friendly messages or you can attack them and steal their treasure. Though it seems like it’s you against the world, you can make friends with other players and add them to your Friend List. Battle foes with combos and cunning moves, but it isn’t just your skills that will pave your way to victory. You’ll also need to upgrade your weapons and use them, as well. You can explore multiple worlds to discover more items and rewards, but make sure that you look presentable before you leave your clan. Each clan has stunning avatars based on animals as small as the wasp or as huge as the rhino. Get your star on with Ninja Royale today! Ninjas Live™Darkness has fallen on your beloved city and evil forces have invaded every sector of society. It’s time for you to step out of the shadows, but will you become the world’s only hope or the world’s greatest threat? You’ll begin as a student, but it won’t take long before you’re climbing the skill ladder. You’re not the only ninja in the world, however; other ninjas have also started to surface. Become a legendary ninja by fighting your way to the top. In Ninjas Live, a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, you get to battle other ninjas live. Collect rare and powerful loot items and show off your clan’s best weapons, techniques, and spells. When you’re not battling other ninjas, you can acquire clients to earn extra income, extra defense, and more — or you can take on deadly missions. Strengthen your clan by recruiting your friends and easily broadcast messages to them through the app. Though becoming a real ninja might be a challenge in real life, you’ll have no problem experiencing the thrill and the danger of being a crafty assassin and spy through these ninja games for Android. Which one of these games are you playing to live out your ninja fantasy? If your favorite ninja game didn’t make it to our list, let us know what it is in a comment below. This article, Best ninja games for Android , was originally published at - Your Android News Source. |
Fourth-gen Google Nexus smartphone coming by the end of the year? Posted: 17 Jul 2012 05:05 PM PDT The Google Nexus 7 is out in stores and it's selling like hot cakes. We've seen this happen before when the Kindle Fire was launched – an affordable device ready to offer plenty of features and lots of digital content choices to tablet buyers. But now the Nexus 7 is the king of 7-inch tablets, considering what it has to offer in terms of both hardware and software. Sure, Amazon will come out with a new Kindle Fire version, and Apple is rumored to bring out of hiding its 7.85-inch iPad Mini later this year, at which point the competition in the small affordable tablet business will get even more ferocious. And don't think that other Android tablet makers will just sit by and watch the fight from the sidelines, because they surely won't. Which brings me to the obvious question, what other hardware will Google release this year? Will the company prepare a bigger tablet for a later announcement? Or is Google focusing on the next logical move, the fourth-generation Google Nexus smartphone? Eric Schmidt, the former CEO and current Chairman of the company, said a few days ago that Google is interested in making hardware. Moreover, a distant report suggested that Google will work with several Android device makers to release up to five new Jelly Bean-running Nexus-branded devices this year. We already have two of them, the Nexus 7 and the Nexus Q, which leaves room for three or four more, depending whether we’re really counting the Q ball or not. Not to mention that Google has its own hardware-making subsidiary, which is yet to produce any Nexus device. So will we see a Google (Motorola) Nexus smartphone this winter? To answer that question, let's see what history has taught us! The Nexus smartphonesSo far, Google launched three Nexus-branded smartphones, one made by HTC and the other two created by Samsung. The Nexus smartphones are supposed to deliver Google's Android message to the world. End-users, Android makers and developers have a chance to see how Android should look and feel on a smartphone. But at the end of the day, it's just end-users and developers that really profit from Nexus smartphones, while smartphone makers, in cahoots with carriers, prefer to keep selling devices with their own modded Android version on top and filled with crapware apps from mobile operators, a move that's partly responsible for the existing Android fragmentation – although that's a story for a different day. HTC Nexus OneHot on the heels of the Motorola Droid – the phone that started the Android revolution in late 2009 – HTC came out with the Nexus One in the first days of 2010, a phone that was seen as a great iPhone 3GS competitor. The Nexus One ran Android 2.1 Eclair and was sold by T-Mobile. And it come with some annoying 3G issues which were never really solved – Google, HTC and T-Mobile pretty much shifted the blame from one to the other. Unfortunately the Nexus One was never meant to become a best-selling device – in the U.S. Verizon and Sprint decided not to launch the handset despite previously announcing they would carry it. The Nexus One slowly faded away as hotter and hotter Android handsets came along. In fact, once Android 4.1 Ice Cream Sandwich was released, we found out that the device was not upgradeable to the new Android OS anymore. Samsung Nexus SIn late 2010 Google came out with the Nexus S, it's second Nexus smartphone, a device that was made by Samsung – the smartphone was not called the Nexus Two because, legend has it, Samsung is second to no one. This happened a few months after Eric Schmidt stated that the Nexus One was basically a one time deal. At the time, it was logical to assume that Google will partner up with a different OEM for each new Nexus device and that it was Samsung's turn to make it. The Nexus S was, logically, a much better device than the Nexus One when it comes to hardware, and it included, among other specs and features, NFC support, with the device becoming a foundation for Google's upcoming Google Wallet mobile payment solution – another yet to become popular Google project. The phone launched with Android 2.3 Gingerbread on board and is upgradeable to Jelly Bean. Samsung Galaxy NexusThe Nexus Prime was the codename of the third Google Nexus smartphone that was released in mid-December last year, after a pretty long and unexplained launch delay in the USA. Google chose Samsung again to make the handset, and while we have no details on the motives behind this decision we can only assume that both companies had good reasons to continued the Nexus partnership, a move that made them both a little cooler by association. On one hand, we have Google partnering up with the creator of the Galaxy S devices, a family of smartphones very appreciated by Android buyers seeking high-end handsets. On the other hand, we have Samsung pairing up with Google and thus becoming a stronger force in the Android ecosystem, and in the mobile environment in general, since it was the company to produce, for the second time in a row, a new Nexus handset. Companies like Motorola, LG and HTC were left behind even though at the time the first Nexus Prime rumors came out, Google's plans to purchase Motorola were no secret anymore. The Galaxy Nexus did not become the iPhone 4S killer Google would have wanted it to be, even though it’s still a popular choice for Android smartphone buyers. Google-Motorola Intel devices?In case you haven't noticed, Google decided not to go with Motorola when choosing a Nexus device maker. That happened twice in a row now, with the Galaxy Nexus smartphone and with the Nexus 7 tablet. The Search giant kept telling the press that it won't give preferential treatment to Motorola once its $12.5 billion purchase is completed. And maybe the company wanted to prove that it meant what it said by launching two Nexus devices in seven months, each one made by a different company, Samsung and Asus, respectively. Google even went ahead and said, via Andy Rubin, that Asus was the best choice for its Nexus 7 tablet needs, which is somewhat a strange remark to make when you own Motorola, a company that does know how to build mobile devices – granted it still has to learn to keep them secret and market them properly. So while the Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 7 were coming out, Motorola did what it knows best: it launched a variety of interesting Android devices, under the RAZR and Atrix brands, and a couple of tablets of its own. But the company must be working on some sort of new devices that would be launched this year. We have not forgotten that Motorola and Intel announced a partnership at CES 2012, and by now we would have expected to see the first Medfield-based Motorola handsets in stores. Could the fourth-generation Nexus smartphone be made by Motorola and pack Intel insides? Intel would certainly appreciate making such an entrance in the mobile business – sure, there already are at least two Medfield-based devices in stores, but a Nexus-branded smartphone would help Intel immensely. After all, it's no secret that Intel wants a piece of the mobile business, and what better way to impress the crowds than by having its mobile chips inside a Nexus flagship smartphone. But, and there's a big But here, Intel's platform only supports single-core processors at this time, and Intel has voiced its concerns regarding dual- and multi-core use in Android devices. Would Google settle with a single-core processor on a high-end Nexus smartphone at a time when everyone else is shipping their devices with dual- and quad-core CPUs on board? That's of course if Google doesn't decide to continue its partnership with Samsung, or go with other companies when making the next Nexus device. Although, how long will Google take until it starts mass-producing smartphones with Motorola? Whatever the company will say, the fact still remains that Google has just become a competitor to its Android device-making partners. Samsung, HTC, LG, Asus, and all the other Android smartphone and tablet makers out there can't compete with Google when it comes to launching devices like the Nexus 7 because these companies don't also own the same digital content stores that would help them generate revenue from an Android device sold at cost. How long before Google introduces a mid- to high-end Android device, made with Motorola, that's budget friendly? Sure, it makes sense to assume that Google would want, at some point in the future, to offer cheaper smartphones to potential buyers and thus beat the pricing structure from competing companies, namely Apple, whose iPhone brings in boatloads of cash quarter after quarter. And the price of the iPhone doesn't change until a new generation rolls out, burning the pockets of carriers in the process. But in the process, Google could also hurt its partners by forcing them to compete with cheaper Nexus devices and thus shave off their margins. With all that in mind, it will certainly be interesting to see what company will make the upcoming Nexus smartphone, in case the device is coming this winter. Are there any Cons?But what if winter is coming without a new Nexus? We've seen a new Nexus device arrive in late 2010 and late 2011, each one coming with a new Android OS version on board. The Nexus S packed Android 2.3 Gingerbread while the Galaxy Nexus ran Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. But Google was forced to unveil Android 4.1 Jelly Bean a little earlier this year, and the OS will be available on various devices by the time a new Nexus-brand smartphone would be launched, a smartphone meant to showcase Google's next-gen Android plans. So would it make sense for the company to launch a smartphone of its own running a not-new-anymore operating system? First let's explain why Google was forced to come out with Jelly Bean in summer rather than fall. The company needed a new OS for its brand new Nexus 7 tablet – launching the device with ICS on board would have probably worked out well for the company, but Google wanted to release a complete package that had to include a brand new shiny mobile OS version. And Google did not have time to wait until fall/winter to come out with the Nexus 7, as the company needed to fix that pestering Kindle Fire problem as fast as possible – remember that Google and Asus explained they went from Nexus 7 planning to mass production in just four months, that's how in a hurry Google was to launch a new affordable tablet. So then, I reiterate my last question, would Google want to launch the fourth Nexus smartphone running only Jelly Bean? Because Android 5.0 is not likely to launch this winter. Not so long ago, but at a time Google was rolling out new Android version after new Android version, Google promised that it will slow down the number of major updates it releases each year. Not to mention that launching Android 5.0 in just a few months from now would certainly cause a garden variety of problems for end-users, OEMs, carriers and developers. Let's not forget that after 7 months, ICS is yet to get a comfortable share of the existing Android handsets (currently it’s at over 10%), and I don't think the Jelly Bean update will go any smoother. Having Key Lime Pie – that's what Android 5.0 is called – come out this winter would cause plenty of problems, even that’s even if Google announced that Android PDK tool that should help OEMs better adapt to major OS rollouts. It’s all speculation!Even so, Google must launch some sort of Nexus-branded devices later this year and that seems to be the most logical conclusion. The iPhone is coming, and the company should at least try to compete against it with a new Nexus-branded handset, possibly made by Motorola. Not to mention that it would seem like a complete waste of resources owning Motorola and not making at least one new piece of Nexus-branded hardware with the company. Hopefully, Google did not purchase the former telecommunications giant only for the huge patent arsenal it had under its belt – and that patent portfolio is not really that helpful either, as Google is hardly able to fight the companies targeting Android with patent suits, and most importantly Apple, with the patents obtained following the Motorola purchase. So if we were to predict Google's hardware-making future we would say that new Nexus devices should be available by the end of this year, with at least one fourth-generation Nexus-branded handset in (Google Play) stores by Christmas, no matter what potential tensions and frictions some of these purported new Nexus devices may cause if made by Moto. But it’s also important to remember that Google is not really revealing any details about its future Nexus plans and we only have bits and pieces from various rumors and reports to look at right now. While we wait for Google to give us more puzzle pieces, why don’t you join the speculation and let us know what you think about Google’s future Nexus plans? Will Google launch its fourth-generation Nexus smartphone this winter or not – what say you? Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll. This article, Fourth-gen Google Nexus smartphone coming by the end of the year? , was originally published at - Your Android News Source. |
Lara Croft: Guardian of Light available on Google Play, Xperia-exclusive for now Posted: 17 Jul 2012 12:20 PM PDT There's more to the ’90s than mIRC and the hours spent there that we won't ever get back, but it's also the decade where we witnessed the birth of console gaming’s most memorable and curvaceous heroine. Lara Croft is her name, and kicking some serious behind is her game. The tomb raider extraordinaire has spawned many game sequels reaching various consoles, PCs, Macs, and mobile devices. Making its way to Android platform for the first time is Lara Croft: Guardian of Light. Lara Croft's South American adventure on Android can now be downloaded from the Google Play Store. For $1.30, you'll get console-quality HD graphics ported straight from XBLA and PSN, along with full touchscreen control. The game also features the same fast-paced gameplay combined with an element of puzzle solving. The bad news is it appears Lara has signed a deal with Sony to keep the game exclusively available on Xperia devices for a limited time. Deals like this usually don't last too long, and we're positive that you'll be able to play her on any Android devices soon enough. When it does become available, we’ll be sure to let you know. For folks sporting Sony’s Xperia device, this is your time to show off Lara running, jumping, shooting, and squealing on your phone to your non-Sony buddies. This article, Lara Croft: Guardian of Light available on Google Play, Xperia-exclusive for now , was originally published at - Your Android News Source. |
Rogers’ Sony Xperia Ion officially on sale for $49.99 Posted: 17 Jul 2012 12:17 PM PDT Can't wait to get your hands on the Sony Xperia Ion, but want to know first how much it'll set you back? We now have confirmation from Rogers Wireless about the price of the phone, and it's one that doesn't stray too far from what we've reported before. The good news is you can now order the Experia Ion from the carrier's website. The Xperia Ion is Sony's first LTE phone, dontcha know? And the price that you have to pay for that kind of luxury is $49.99 with a three-year contract. We're not sure why anyone would want to purchase the phone on a shorter contract, as the two-year contract ($449) almost cost the same as buying the phone without a contract ($549.99). But we guess that's just how it is in Canada. Despite the phone's spacious 4.6-inch HD display, Snapdragon S3 processor, and 12MP Sony Exmor R rear camera, it'll only ship with Android 2.3 Gingerbread. If it's any consolation, an upgrade to Ice Cream Sandwich is reportedly heading to the phone soon. How soon? Better ask owners of Xperia P and Xperia U that are still on the queue line. Will the attractive $50 price tag of the Sony Xperia Ion be enough to lure you to get the phone? This article, Rogers' Sony Xperia Ion officially on sale for $49.99 , was originally published at - Your Android News Source. |
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