Monday, November 5, 2012

Android Central

Android Central

Outside of Google Play's reach, Nexus 4 pricing may not be so sweet

Posted: 04 Nov 2012 03:58 PM PST

Google Play

Most people were pretty caught off guard when Google announced some ridiculously low pricing for the Nexus 4. At $299/$349 in the U.S. and Canada, €299/€349 in Europe and £239/£279 in the U.K. with international availability at launch, it seemed like Google had done everything right this time around.

On November 13, the Google Play store page for the Nexus 4 will go live with shipping availability to the U.S., U.K., Canada, Germany, France, Spain and Australia. For the countries not listed above, the pricing structure is a bit more up in the air. In its press release, Google notes that “offline availability” is coming to Europe, Central/South Americas, Asia, CIS and the Middle East starting at the end of November, but gives no pricing or retailer information.

We’re hearing different things from retailers and users around the world, and it looks like the pricing for countries outside of Google Play’s direct shipping reach will be paying a pretty penny. Retailers in Italy, Austria and Denmark have reported that LG’s direct MSRP (suggested pricing) will be much higher -- somewhere in the €549 to €599 range -- than Google’s. We're already seeing that a Spanish retailer Phone House (counterpart of Carphone Warehouse in the U.K.) has even pulled out of offering the Nexus 4 all together because the pricing direct from LG will be so much steeper than expected.

It should be noted that much of this is out of Google's control, as LG is the one selling the devices to these retailers. Google's ability to sell directly to specific countries also requires a whole host of regulatory approval and certification that just may not be possible in certain areas (at this time). It’s understandable that Google’s own offering would be much cheaper when considering that it can go straight to the consumer with no storefront and low overhead, but seeing this high of a premium put on the devices being sold with retail partners is a tough one to swallow.

Prices will inevitably drop once importers are able to get their hands on units in the countries served by Google Play, similar to what we saw with drops in prices of Galaxy Nexuses, but no one knows how long that will take. Hopefully things will clear up and pricing will become more than a rumor in the coming weeks.

Source:; The Next Web 

U.S. carriers react in the wake of Hurricane Sandy

Posted: 04 Nov 2012 12:31 PM PST

Hurricane Sandy Map

Our phone and network infrastructure is a critical part of the recovery efforts following a natural disaster. In an age where the only connection to the outside world for many people is a smartphone, the effects of a hurricane can be devastating. Luckily, the big four carriers in the U.S. are working hard to restore critical infrastructure damaged by the storm. Each is doing something different, but all are going above the regular call of duty to help out people put into a tough position by Hurricane Sandy.

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Latest Sprint commercial says no to a 'Data Coach'

Posted: 04 Nov 2012 09:27 AM PST

Carrier wars hardly ever make for good reading -- not unless we, the consumer, are getting something good from it. But, every now and then a slightly entertaining moment pops up. This latest advertisement from Sprint perhaps just about falls into this category. 

In a nutshell, it's nothing more than a commercial for their unlimited data plans. But, at least they've put some thought into getting that message across. The family has hired a 'Data Coach' to help them share out their shared data plan, who basically says "nay" to using cellular data pretty much anywhere. It's a little cheesy, but unlimited data is a pretty big deal, if you can get it.

Source: Sprint (Facebook) via Phone Arena

New Google commercial for Nexus 7 takes a 'Life Aquatic' turn

Posted: 04 Nov 2012 08:51 AM PST

Advertisements don't always make for compelling viewing, but when Google makes one, sometimes they're worth watching. After all, ads are only truly bad if they're for things we're not interested in, right? 

So, props to Google for this, their latest effort at advertising the Nexus 7. Anyone who has ever seen the Bill Murray movie, "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou" will feel right at home. Those who haven't -- firstly, check the link below to the movie in the Play Store -- maybe not so, but it's still worth a watch.  With Google refreshing the Nexus 7 line up as part of their recent Nexus-fest of announcements, we're sure to see a big push on marketing as we enter the holiday season. 

Thanks Anon!

Download: The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

Ask AC: Does the Nexus 4 work with the Palm Touchstone charger?

Posted: 04 Nov 2012 08:07 AM PST

Nexus 4 and Palm Touchstone

One Nexus 4 question we're getting above all others (except perhaps how loud the speaker is) has to do with wireless charging. Namely, will it work with the Palm Touchstone? 

Facts is facts -- with the demise of Palm, many a user has migrated to Android, and there are tons of the little hockey puck chargers just laying around. (And if you ever got to use one, you know how awesome it was.) Plus, you can pick one up on Amazon for just a couple bucks.

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From the Editor's Desk: Sandy, Nexus and what's next

Posted: 04 Nov 2012 05:36 AM PST

Phil Nickinson

"What's it going to be like?" That was the question my wife posed to me sometime around Sept. 13 or 14 in 2004, just a couple days before Hurricane Ivan thrashed this part of the Gulf Coast -- and just some 56 hours before we were to be married. The answer, unfortunately. People were going to lose their homes, I told her. People were going to die. Beaches would erode, heritage trees would fall, and the very makeup of this relatively quiet (if quirky) community would be changed for a long, long time, if not forever. 

So it was with a heavy heart last week that I watched Hurricane Sandy blow into the Northeast. I knew what it was going to look like. Been there, done that.  It could have been worse. Much worse. A little more than a year after Hurricane Ivan, I sat in the newsroom, watching the AP photos start to roll in from Hurricane Katrina. Beyond heart-breaking.

These are very different times, though. Back in 2004-05 -- a couple years that saw an inordinate number of hurricanes hit the U.S. -- there was no Twitter. You couldn't upload to Youtube from your phone. Facebook was just a baby. The power went out, and the old-school FM radio (or maybe a TV with antenna) went on for a few hours. Being that unplugged was a blessing and a curse. For as quickly as we saw relief information shared following Sandy last week, so, too, did we see hoaxes spread. I wouldn't want to go back, though. To hell with the hoaxsters.

I really can't think of a worse way to document a storm than Instagram, though. Filters are a horrible idea for showing what it really looks like, to say nothing of the low resolution.

To the folks in New York and New Jersey and everywhere else affected by the storm: Stay safe. Stay patient. Help one another. When your power comes back on and life begins to return to normal, remember that someone else is still in the dark. Or has no home. Or lost a loved one. And you will get through it. This has all happened before, and it will happen again.

Oh, you were expecting some Nexus 4 talk?

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Spanish retailer suspends plans to sell LG Nexus 4 on grounds of pricing

Posted: 04 Nov 2012 04:53 AM PST

Android Central

Phone House suspends Nexus 4 plans after learning LG will be selling the device at a much higher price than Google

Sadly, we're not overly surprised by this news, but it still disappoints us nevertheless. Spanish retailer Phone House -- Spain's answer to the UK's Carphone Warehouse -- has announced via its Facebook page that they're suspending all plans to sell the new LG Nexus 4. The reason? LG is reportedly going to be selling the device to retailers at a much higher price than Google will be offering direct from the Play Store. The statement reads like this -- albeit a slightly shaky translated version:

Madrid, November 2, 2012

Phone House, the largest independent chain of telecommunications in Europe and Spain, it will release the new Google Nexus 4 and LG, whose launch was scheduled for November 13 in the catalog of this month

Phone House has decided to suspend the sale of this product after finding that the recommended retail price by LG of 599 € and conditions offered for commercialization are worse than the MSRP published by Google on its website and does not maintain the commitment with customers and offer the lowest price guarantee that characterizes Phone House.

Spain is lucky enough to be one of the few nations worldwide that can purchase devices directly from the Google Play Store, so at least eager Spanish Nexus fans won't be left completely out in the cold. From Google, the Nexus 4 will be sold for €299/€349 for the 8GB and 16GB versions respectively. Phone House claims that LG want to sell the devices to them with a recommended retail price of €599. Yowzas. Without saying which version that price relates to, it equates to a minimum increase of €250 over the Google prices. 

According to The Next Web, the same situation is presenting itself in other European countries such as Italy and Austria. However, unlike Spain, neither of these two nations are supported for device purchases from Google Play at this time. Angry potential customers have been taking to the LG Mobile Facebook page to voice their opinions. But, without a way to purchase at the lower price from Google, it seems at the moment as they are in a tough place if these prices turn out to be correct. 

Over in the UK however, Phone House's counterpart, Carphone Warehouse, is still offering pre-orders for the Nexus 4. These are only on contract at this time with a varying price structure, but at this moment the retailer is not offering a SIM free price option for the Nexus 4. If you want to wade in on this, be sure to head on into the LG Nexus 4 Forums and share your thoughts with us. 

Source: The Next Web

Barnes & Noble drops prices of Nook Color and Nook Tablet ahead of holiday season

Posted: 04 Nov 2012 03:10 AM PST

Android Central

Following the recent launch of the new Nook HD and HD+ in the US and the UK, Barnes & Noble has dropped the prices on their existing tablet range ahead of the holiday season. The cheapest Nook, the somewhat aging Nook Color is now down to just $139, with the Nook Tablet being reduced to $159 and $179 for the 8GB and 16GB versions respectively. 

With the cheapest Amazon Kindle Fire coming in at $159, the Barnes & Noble devices are priced competitively. It isn't the first price cut we've seen in recent months on the existing Nook range, but as we head into the busy holiday season, more choice for less dollars is a choice we'll take. 

Source: Barnes and Noble

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