New information has surfaced from China indicating LG’s forthcoming tablet device, the LG G Pad, could sell for $299. The tablet device sports an 8.3-inch 1920×1200 display, a Snapdragon 600 processor, 2GB of RAM and will run Android 4.2.2 when shipped. The LG G Pad will incorporate some useful multi-tasking/multi-window features, like Slide Aside which uses a three-finger swipe and QSlide that will enable the use of three different apps in one window without exiting any of them. The device will be capable of being turned on and off with just a couple taps thanks to KnockON. The LG G Pad will come with QPair software which will enable users to pair the G Pad with a smartphone so calls and text messages can be delivered to the tablet. The connection via QPair will not be limited to other LG devices.
LG has not yet announced an official release date other than some time in the fourth quarter, but an October release would not be unexpected.
source: ZOL
via: UnwiredView
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