Another day, another Snapdragon 800-powered Android smartphone. Sharp announced their latest flagship offering for Japanese carrier Softbank, called the Aquos Xx, and it’s got specs to compete with any other phone on the market. You get the de facto standard flagship processor, a Snapdragon 800, 2 GB of RAM, a full 1080p, 5.5-inch screen, and a 16.3 megapixel rear camera. On top of that, it sports an incredible thin bezel. As of right now, it’ll only be available in Japan this December, but depending on how it sells, it’s possible we could see it in other markets.
Alongside the big Aquos Xx, Sharp is launching the Aquos Xx Mini. Like what every other major manufacturer offers, it’s essentially a smaller version (4.5 inch screen instead of 5.5 inches) of the flagship phone. Where it differs from other manufacturers, however, is in the spec department. You’ll still that Snapdragon 800 CPU, 2 GB of RAM, and a 1080p display. Yes, a 4.5-inch, 1080p screen. That’s a 490 ppi screen. The camera drops off a bit, with only a 13 megapixel shooter instead of the 16.3 megapixel camera of the bigger device, but I don’t feel like that will ruin the device too much. The Mini is slated for a February release, but like it’s big brother, there’s no pricing information.
The devices aren’t all that innovative, and they aren’t the most well designed in the world, but if you’re looking for a solid new phone to pick up that comes in a variety of screen sizes and colors, the Aquos Xx might be worth a second look.
source: Phone Arena
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