Intel’s Bay Trail-T SoC features four Silvermont cores and is geared towards tablets. We are expecting to see devices in the fall, but to give you a better look at what to expect, take a look at the above leaked AnTuTu benchmark. The code name is byt_t_ffrd10 and is most likely a reference device that is running Android 4.2.2. The latest leak is the top one, which has a clock speed of 1.4GHz and comes in at a whopping 49,489. Earlier it came in at 43,416, but with a clock speed of only 1.1GHz. To give you a comparison, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 comes in around 30,000.
Intel has been trying to make headway into the mobile market, and the Bay Trail-T might be just what the doctor ordered.
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