Friday brought great news regarding the new Nexus 7 and it’s future with support from the Android open source community; the factory image and binaries were released by Google. This happened for the new Nexus 7 much sooner than expected by me anyway. If was only a few days ago that we found out that Google’s Android open source manager, Jean-Baptiste QuĂ©ru (JBQ), would be quitting his due to frustrations with legal issues with making the new Nexus 7′s factory image and binaries available. Nevertheless, we have them now. We don’t have any news at this time regarding JBQ and if the release of these files are enough to convince him to stay. Regardless, we really appreciate what he’s been able to do for our Android community.
The factory image for the new Nexus 7 with Android 4.3, build JSS15J, weighs in at 360 MB and contains everything we need to flash the new Nexus 7 back to stock. This makes me feel much more comfortable tinkering with my new devices knowing that if I screw something up, I’ll be able to easily return it to stock.
As for the binaries, if you take a peek at the above image or follow the links below, you’ll see these binaries contain drivers for all the hardware in the new Nexus 7. What does this mean for you and me? Nothing right now, but it does mean that it’s open season for devs and development on the Nexus 7. So if you’re into that sort of thing, be on the look out for your favorite custom ROMs. This is likely a good time to throw some love and support at your favorite developer if you’re a new Nexus 7 owner. But whatever you do, don’t ask for an ETA.
So how many of you out there are excited to hear about this news? For me, after the JBQ news I was concerned about the development support that the new Nexus 7 would be seeing, because that’s important to me. It may not be to you. Now, I’m really excited to see what developers will be able to do with the new Nexus 7. It’s a great tablet and it’ll be fantastic to see people push it to the limits.
Via: New Nexus 7 Factory Images, Binaries
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