The first images of the Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch showed up online yesterday, and saying that the response was less than positive is putting it kindly. The good news, for everyone who thought the design was “too ugly, too big, and stupid,” is that the images were of a prototype of the device, that were accessible to developers. According to GigaOm sources, Samsung has a “different, more finished product,” that will be launched in couple of days at the company’s pre-IFA event in Berlin. That being said, the size of the device, expected to feature a 2.5-inch display, is still probably too big for some, regardless of how different the design may be.
The report also added some more information about the specifications and features about the upcoming smartwatch, such as -
- The device will run Android 4.3 Jelly Bean with the keyboard feature turned off
- The smartwatch won’t have an in-built browser, and will need a phone to tether to the internet.
- The watch features built-in Bluetooth LE, which means that it should be able to connect to other non-Samsung Android devices with Bluetooth LE as well.
- Granted, it will need a Samsung device with a watch-focused app store to install apps on the Galaxy Gear device, making the last point mute.
- Notifications will be full screen, with icons on the top, and two lines of text at the bottom
Just a prototype!
We already know that the Galaxy Gear is expected to feature a 2.5-inch display (3-inch with case), a 1.5Ghz dual-core Exynos 4412 processor with Mali-400 MP4 GPU, built-in NFC, integrated camera and microphone, and built-in accelerometer and other sensors. Unfortunately, the previous report of the 10 hour battery life seems to hold true, with the Samsung Galaxy Gear expected to last for 24 hours with “normal use,” and around 10 hours with active use.
Android Authority will be in Berlin to cover the whole IFA 2013 show, including the pre-show announcements, so we’ll be able to everything about the Samsung Galaxy Gear, including its “different and more finished” design during the launch event. Hopefully, it’s a lot better than the prototype images we’ve seen so far.
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