After holding steady in June’s comScore numbers, Android saw a slight dip in August. While a dip would normally be unsettling, Android still holds more than 50% of the mobile platform market share. Apple, however, did see growth with iOS even though their new devices had yet to launch until recently. Microsoft, who has reportedly talked to HTC about dual booting Windows Phone with Android, saw a slight jump and is nearly the number three operating system. Hit the break for information on manufacturer market share.
On the OEM side, Apple and Samsung both saw growth; however, Apple still holds first place. Motorola saw a slight decline, although that should change since they’re shipping 100,000 Moto X devices a week. HTC, who’s in the middle of an identity crisis, also found itself with a drop. The next round of comScore numbers should be interesting suggesting it would account of the manufacturer’s new devices.
Source: comScore
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