Samsung and China Telecom revealed the latest flip phone the two companies are bringing to the Chinese market, the SCH-W2014. The dual-screen flip phone comes equipped with a 2.3GHz Snapdragon 800 processor and 2GB of RAM to power Android 4.3 on the device. Samsung loads it up with 32GB of internal storage and the capability to expand that via microSD. The W2014 also has dual-SIM capability.
When the device was first spotted last month, the expected price was going to put it at around $700 USD. However, the latest reports suggest the W2014 will be selling for at least ¥10,000CNY (approximately $1,640 USD). China Telecom has not released an availability date and Samsung has not released information about other carriers or regions that may get the device, but it was spotted passing through the FCC, so there is a chance it may find its way to the U.S. market.
source: Engadget
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