Since releasing their Chromecast dongle, Google has insisted the device will live alongside their Google TV platform. Evidence for this surfaced in a recent FCC filing by Sony for a device with the model number NSZ-GU1. The model number is similar enough to previous Sony Google TV boxes, the NSZ-GT1, NSZ-GS7 and the NSZ-GS8, that we can be pretty confident this is part of their Google TV family of devices. Unlike previous models though, the NSZ-GU1 was submitted to the FCC due to some wireless capabilities.
The new device includes an IR blaster similar to other Google TV set-top boxes to go along with Bluetooth. Google’s Chromecast does not include either of those, so that appears to cast some doubt on the idea that Sony may be developing a competitor for the Chromecast. On the other hand, sources have noted the configuration diagram for testing purposes is very similar to what Google included in its filing for Chromecast and the power input is also on par with the Chromecast.
We will keep an eye out for more information about this new device and what services or market Sony is targeting with it.
source: FCC
via: Engadget
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