Oppo, the company behind the Find 5 Android smartphone, has been teasing its new N1 for quite a while. The company released some humorous ads about the rear touch panel a while ago, which not only got me excited for the product, but also made me like Oppo as a company far more. But their latest trailer for the N1 pretty much confirms a rumor that’s been going around.
The newest trailer features Steve Kondik, better known as Cyanogen to the community. He announces that he’s attending the Oppo event because they have “exciting news ahead.” With CyanogenMod becoming a company a few days ago, they announced that they have an OEM partner to create a phone running CM from the factory and that the news will be announced in the coming weeks. If this video doesn’t confirm Oppo as the manufacturer, I don’t know what will (aside from them directly saying it).
I understand that subtlety is difficult, but I love how obvious it is. It will really get people talking about Oppo, which is only great for the company that’s not well known in the US. Plus, Oppo is known to have good relations with the community. So will the Oppo N1 come in a CyanogenMod flavor? Or will it be exclusively running CyanogenMod? We can’t wait to find out. Tell us what you think in the comments!
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