Today, Samsung announced their Galaxy Gear smartwatch to the masses. While it is an awesome device, it has an AMOLED display that times out after a while and needs to be turned on. Also, its battery life is 25 hours, or enough for a single day of use. That’s acceptable, due to limits of current technology, but Qualcomm is looking to push the envelope further with their new Toq smartwatch.
The Qualcomm Toq is a bit of a different take on the smartwatch compared to the Galaxy Gear. It uses a slower 200MHz Cortex M3 processor and a different display technology. The display is what makes this watch unique, because it uses a Mirasol touchscreen. This display is akin to e-ink, with slow refresh rates. And, it doesn’t suck power when left on. This display is color and has great visibility outdoors.
This smartwatch will be an interesting mix between the Galaxy Gear and Pebble. It’ll also come with an optional Bluetooth headset to make everything wireless, allowing you to control your music from the watch. Both the watch and wireless headset have wireless charging built in, and the case that the watch comes in is the charger.
The Toq smartwatch is now up for pre-order and will launch with a price tag of $300, exclusively compatible with Android. It’s very expensive, but it’s a “hero product” that is released to demonstrate what can be done, akin to Google Glass. Hopefully we see this technology spread. If you want to learn more, hit the source links! And tell us what you think of the device.
Source: Qualcomm, Qualcomm Toq Facebook
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