Following a series of rumors and teasers, OPPO unveiled the N1 smartphone back in late-September. At the time the handset was announced for China with the promise of additional markets later in the year. There was mention of the global rollout beginning in December, however the specifics remained a mystery. Well, it looks like the global rollout is beginning.
OPPO has announced the N1 for those in Indonesia. The handset should be available for purchase soon and it was announced with a price point of 6.999 million Indonesian rupiah. While market to market translations are not always equal when it comes to smartphones, that translates to about 3,765 yuan. Or in other words, this means the OPPO N1 is a bit more expensive in Indonesia.
Otherwise, we are looking at a handset that has the same specs as what we saw announced earlier. This Indonesian announcement tipped the handset as running Color OS, which is a customized build of Android 4.2. Aside from the software, the handset will have a 5.9-inch 1080p display with a ppi of 377. There will also be options for 16GB or 32GB of internal storage along with 2GB of RAM and a Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 processor.
Some of the other perks of the N1 include the camera as well as the rear touch panel and remote. The N1 has a 13 megapixel camera that rotates 206 degrees, which allows it to serve as the front and rear-facing. The touch panel is called the O-Touch Panel and it measures in as a 12cm panel that allows for tapping, scrolling and more.
While we are still expecting the N1 to arrive in additional markets, OPPO recently announced a “Pioneer Program” that will allow a lucky few users to get hands-on a bit ahead of the general release. The catch though, the program is limited to a select few and you will need to not only apply and get accepted, but share some thoughts after the handset arrives.
VIA: MyDrivers
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