Following some earlier rumors, Dell has re-entered the Android world this morning. Specifically, to the Android tablet market with the introduction of the Venue 7 and Venue 8 tablets. As the numbers in the name imply, these are 7-inch and 8-inch tablets and both are IPS with a resolution of 1280 x 800. Otherwise, both are sporting relatively low price points and both are expected to arrive a bit later in the month.
The Venue 7 is powered by a dual-core 1.6GHz Intel Atom Z2560 Clover Trail+ processor with 2GB of RAM and 16GB of internal storage. The Venue 8 has the same in terms of RAM and storage, however the processor is a dual-core 2.0GHz Intel Atom Z2580 Clover Trail+. Both models have near matching specs otherwise.
Measurements for the Venue 7 are as follows; 7.6 x 4.6 x 0.38-inches and the Venue 8 measures in at a slightly larger 8.3 x 5.1 x 0.35-inches. As for weight, those come in at 8.3 ounces and 10.3 ounces respectively. They each have a microSD card slot for added storage, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, a 15.5Whr battery, microUSB and will be running Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean.
As for the camera setup, this will differ between the Venue 7 and Venue 8. The 7 will have a VGA quality on the front and 3 megapixel on the back while the 8 will have a 2 megapixel front-facing camera and 5 megapixel rear-facing camera. Aside from WiFi connectivity, Dell has included a SIM card slot on both the Venue 7 and Venue 8 tablets. Both models are expected to be available on October 18th. The Venue 7 will be priced from $150 and the Venue 8 will be priced from $180.
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