Much was made about Verizon’s version of the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 when it was first unveiled. The device horded a ridiculous amount of logos, including one smack dab on the middle of the home button. Many people nearly upchucked at the sight of it, though most owners quickly forgot about the blemish — who really looks at the home button, anyway?
That said, it doesn’t stop us from making that same reaction upon seeing the same silliness on what will eventually be Verizon’s version of the Galaxy S4 Mini. We figured it made sense on the Note 2, it being a big 5.5-inch beast and all, but the S4 Mini? Really?
Regardless, it’s there, and it’s headed straight for Big Red’s store shelves. Their version also joins versions leaked for both Sprint and AT&T, with the latter coming in a pink color option (which is somewhat fitting considering it’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, though we’d hope there are other options to choose from). Check out the photos of the device above and below, and be on the lookout for an official announcement sometime soon.
[via @evleaks]
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