Pantech has released a new phablet device for the South Korean market, the Vega Secret Note. The 5.9-inch device comes equipped with an impressive set of hardware, including 3GB of RAM, a Snapdragon 800 processor, a 13MP rear-facing camera, and a 1080p capable front-facing camera. The display will be capable of running full 1080p resolution and the device will come equipped with 32 GB of storage to go with the Android 4.2.2 operating system. According to Pantech’s information page, the device is capable of supporting an external hard drive up to 2TB in size.
Like any good phablet device, the Vega Secret Note comes with stylus, though in Pantech’s case they have just included a normal capacitive pen as opposed to a full digitizer. Pantech has also equipped the device with a fingerprint scanner located in the middle of the back of the device. There is no word on whether Pantech will eventually make the device available in other markets. For South Korean buyers, the Vega Secret Note is expected to sell for 900,000 won ($836 USD).
source: Pantech
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