In the mobile industry, Samsung has made a name for itself with its line of in-house Exynos processors. But in the past year or so, we haven’t seen many phones with them implemented. After its last chip faced some issues, Samsung has gone back to create a new chip: the newly revealed Exynos 5 Octa 5420. Following in the steps of its predecessor, the 5420 also runs eight cores in a big.LITTLE configuration with four Cortex A7 cores and four Cortex A15 cores. Both sets of cores have received a slight clock speed boost up to 1.3GHz per core for the A7s and 1.8GHz per core for the A15s.
The bug that plagued the previous version of this processor has presumably been fixed, as it simply wouldn’t be logical for Samsung to release another processor with the same bug. But the biggest change with the 5420 comes with the GPU. Samsung has gone back to ARM for the creation of the GPU. The 5420 is the first processor to feature the new six-core Mali T628 GPU. This should be a beast of a GPU, fully capable of taking on all the next-gen games. When it comes to memory, the 5420 carries over the dual-channel LPDDR3 interface and has support for up to 1866MHz memory. With that, we see a peak theoretical memory bandwidth of 14.9Gbps.
While this new Exynos processor is certainly powerful, competition has heated up with Qualcomm’s new processors like the Snapdragon 800. We’ll have to wait and see whether it can compete in both price and performance with Qualcomm’s processors. One last thing to note is that Samsung will begin manufacturing this process in Augustt. IFA 2013 will take place in September, which is usually when we see a new member of the Note family announced. This processor could soon be implemented into a new Samsung phone.
Would you use a phone or tablet with the 5420 processor?
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