An AnTuTu benchmark score was recently discovered for a new chip that Mediatek is working on. The MT6592 is an octa-core processor running eight Cortex A7 chips. Each of the A7 chips can run up at up to 2GHz, though for the AnTuTu tests they were only pushed to 1.7 GHz. Sources indicate Mediatek has done some optimization on the ARM chips to improve their power efficiency. The goal appears to be to beat Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 800 chip in terms of both processing speed and energy efficiency.
According to the AnTuTu benchmark, the new MT6592 clocked in with a score of 29600, beating the Snapdragon 800, although we do not know whether the other hardware was the same. So there could be a little gamesmanship going on. Sources also indicate the Mali gpu chips that the MT6952 using are quad-core.
As powerful as the new chip could be, it may not be coming to U.S. or North American markets. Instead, the MT6952 will likely be used by Chinese manufacturers to produce “white box” smartphones and tablets that are relatively cheap for the Chinese market. That could still put pressure on other chip manufacturers in terms of price in other markets though.
via: phoneArena
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