Back in April Ematic revealed the Genesis Prime, a budget tablet that pushed below the $90 mark by offering up a modest 1.1GHz CPU and just 512MB RAM. Now the company is back with another ultra-low-priced tablet, and oh what a difference six months make.
This time around the Ematic EM63 actually has reasonably decent specs, at least considering the $85.69 price tag. The company's latest offering is powered by a 1.5GHz dual-core GPU accompanied by 1GB of RAM. Other specs include 4GB internal storage, 5GB included cloud storage, microSD, Wi-Fi, Mini-HDMI, USB 2.0, a .3MP front cam, a 2700 mAh battery and Android 4.1 Jelly Bean with Play Store access.
The device’s display has also significantly improved with this new budget device. The Ematic Genesis Prime had an extremely disappointing 800 x 480 resolution 7-inch display, while the new EM63 trades up for a much better – though still not particularly great – 1024 x 600 7-inch display.
The Ematic EM63 is still far from an impressive device, but it's certainly a major jump up from what the company was offering us only a half year earlier. This device wouldn’t be a great primary tablet but it could prove to be excellent as a kid’s tablet, a backup or even as a cheap present for the upcoming holiday season.
Sure, there's better tablets to be had at not too much higher of a price tag, but some folks really have modest needs and little extra spending money, and that's exactly who these types of tablets are marketed at.
Anyone interested in the Ematic EM63 or are the specs just too low-end to consider?
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