Back during IFA 2013, Sony pulled back the veil on their upcoming flagship, the Sony Xperia Z1. The device packed many of the high-end specs you’d expect from a flagship — Snapdragon 800 processor, 20MP camera, 3,000mAh battery — and true to most Androids these days, a large 5-inch, 1080p full HD display. While some would have you believe that bigger is always better, we like to think there is still very much a market for smaller, more pocketable smartphones.
It’s only lately that we’ve watched the Android “Minis” gaining some steam, handsets like the HTC One Mini, Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini, or even the Motorola Moto X being a few. Unfortunately, their “mini” stature has also been equated with the use of smaller specs, with these devices usually having more in common with mid-range devices than the premium flagships they’re named after. Looks like Sony is aiming to change that.
We’ve heard about the mysterious Sony Xperia Z1 Mini through countless leaks and rumors and were surprised to find no mention of the device during the Sony’s official Z1 announcement a few weeks ago. According to leaks, the device is supposed to share many of the high-end specs from the Z1, only in smaller, bite sized package. Today we’re getting a even more confirmation of the existence of this device, it’s specs, and possibly even its official name.
The “Sony Xperia Z1 f” has allegedly been leaked in official Sony documentation, where it is headed to Japanese carrier NT DoCoMo. You can see from the Sony brochure many of those rumored high-end specs we’ve been hearing about are intact:
- Qualcomm 2.2GHz Snapdragon 800 quad-core processor
- 4.3-inch 720 x 1280 resolution display
- 20.7MP rear camera sensor/ 2.2MP front camera
- 16GB internal storage
- 2300mAh battery
- IP55/IP58 dust and water resistance
- 127mm x 64.9mm x 9.4mm
Size and specs alone are enough for the Xperia Z1 f to trump much of its Android competition, but its the combination of processing speed and camera prowess that put the miniature Z1 in a unique position of going head-to-head with the newly launched iPhone 5s. Of course, Sony will need to entice US carriers to pick up the device if it hopes to make an splash. Currently, not even the Sony Xperia Z1 has found a home with any of the Big 4 carriers here in the states. Let’s hope that changes real soon.
[Xperia Blog]
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