It appears as if we are seeing a shift in the tablet space. According to data coming from a recent ABI Research report, Android tablets are now outselling the iPad. The report points specifically to the second quarter of 2013, noting that “number of Android-powered tablets surpassed iOS-based slates for the first time.”
Interestingly though, while the report points towards Android tablets overtaking the iPad, the hardware revenue is still sitting equal between the two platforms. It was said that the “iPad represented only 50% of worldwide end-user revenues.” Basically, this has Apple splitting the market at $6.3 billion for the quarter.
As for the money, this report offers an explanation about how the average selling price of the iPad has dropped 17 percent over the past year while the remainder of the market saw an increase of 17 percent. While some Android tablet users were convinced early on in terms of the smaller 7-inch models, it looks like that bit has finally caught on across the board.
ABI Research is showing that tablet shipments have grown 23 percent year-over-year and that smaller 7-inch tablets are now the majority of shipments. There wasn’t much in the way of breakdown in terms of Android models, however they did offer some detail on the iPad, and despite Apple taking so long to make a smaller iPad model — it looks like the iPad mini is doing well.
The success of the iPad mini points back towards the previously mentioned 17 percent drop. It was said the 7.9-inch iPad mini represented about 60 percent of total iPad shipments and also represents 49 percent of iPad-related device revenues for the quarter. But again, the bit we suspect Android fans will be happiest to hear is how Android has overtaken iPad tablets for the first time.
VIA: SlashGear
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