Facebook yesterday confirmed that the new look Messenger app has been expanded to all Android and iOS users. Initially released to a select group of users a few weeks back, it’s a refreshed feel that looks more modern and inviting. If you have not yet received the update, check your notifications or Google Play Store app for the latest version.
Hopefully, this color scheme and layout is indicative of things to come from Facebook. There’s just something about the standard Facebook experience that smacks of 2010.
- The new look - With a fresh, new look, Messenger is easier to get around. Tap across the top of the app or swipe left and right to see recent conversations, a list of the people you message, and settings.
- Message your contacts - What about the people you text with who aren't your Facebook friends? Now you just need a contact's phone number to begin texting others using Messenger. To help people reach you, you'll be asked to confirm your phone number.
Reach people faster -
You'll know which friends are using the app if you see the Messenger icon next to their name. If you see the Messenger icon, that means your friend is also using the mobile Messenger app, and will get notified instantly about your message.
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