AT&T confirmed on Friday that the Moto X smartphone will arrive at its doorsteps on Friday August, 23. Priced at $199 (16GB) and $249 (32GB), the phone runs Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean and features a 4.7-inch display.
AT&T customers will, for now, have the exclusive option to customize and design their handset using the Moto Maker. We recently took this tool for a spin and you can read about our hands-on experience here. Of course, AT&T will also sell the Moto X in Woven White and Woven Black options in stores and online. You don’t have to design your own phone, but it’s free and cool.
"We're excited to be the first carrier to offer you a chance to design a smartphone that's truly yours," said Jeff Bradley, senior vice president – Devices, AT&T. "We've worked closely with Motorola to create a tailored display, sales, and distribution processes to get these customized devices into your hands quickly so you can start enjoying all Moto X has to offer, all on the nation's fastest and most reliable 4G LTE network."
You can learn more about the AT&T Moto X by registering on immediately. In fact, some who have already done so could earn themselves early access to the Moto Maker!
The post AT&T: Moto X arrives on August 23 appeared first on AndroidGuys.
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