Tuesday, October 30, 2012

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Google Android News Android Forums

Andy Rubin tells us why the Nexus 4 is missing LTE

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 04:34 PM PDT

Google announced the Nexus 4 today which allows Android users to buy a phone outside of the influence of the major carriers. It turns out that freedom comes at a price: LTE. Google wants to retain control of the software without running into the sort of issues it faced last year with Verizon and Google Wallet. Google could not have released an LTE phone without working with one of the carriers.

Verizon has the largest LTE network but, like Sprint, requires compatibility with their CDMA 3G network. AT&T has said it will allow unlocked devices to access its LTE network, but can’t guarantee everything will work nor can they promise to provide technical support for such devices. Another factor besides access is cost. The cost of building an unlocked LTE phone may have pushed the price beyond the $299 Nexus 4 debut price.

Perhaps Google made the Apple-like decision to sacrifice functionality for user experience. Andy Rubin called the decision to go without LTE a “tactical issue.” The Nexus 4 will be free of potential battery life concerns due to multiple radios. “A lot of the networks that have deployed LTE haven’t scaled completely yet — they’re hybrid networks [...] which means the devices need both radios built into them,” he said. “When we did the Galaxy Nexus with LTE we had to do just that, and it just wasn’t a great user experience.”

We all laughed last year when Samsung’s commercial poked fun of a well-known missing iPhone feature. “Why don’t you guys just get 4G phones?” asked the girl holding the Galaxy S II. While HSPA+ is certainly a form of 4G, it’s not capable of the speeds we’ve seen with LTE. It looks like we now know the reason why Google didn’t take Samsung’s advice in respects to “getting a 4G phone.”

Source: The Verge


Google video shows how Photo Sphere works in Android 4.2

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 01:15 PM PDT

Earlier today Google announced the release of Android 4.2, an update to Jelly Bean. One of the big features being touted is the new camera app that introduces a feature called “Photo Sphere.” To help folks visualize the new capabilities, Google produced a video showing how it works and a taste of the final product. Like normal panoramic photo mode, the camera will guide you to where your next snapshot needs to be aimed using a targeting system. Unlike panoramic photos, the app guides you to take some photos on more than one level, some higher and some lower than your initial plane of focus. All the photos are then stitched together to effectively create a “Street View” type photo. You can move right or left, up and down some, and you can zoom in and out.

Anyone want to guess how long before Google enables users to upload these videos to Google Maps, effectively making anyone with a Photo Sphere capable device a part of their Street View fleet? Hit the break to view the video showing this new capability.

UPDATE: Google was apparently thinking along the same lines. Shortly after posting this story, Google’s Evan Rapoport posted on the Lat Long Blog that users would be able to upload their Photo Sphere creations to Google Maps to share with the world. Rapoport indicates this new feature will “help make Google Maps more comprehensive.” Just start looking for the blue dots on Google Maps to view user generated Photo Spheres.

Click here to view the embedded video.

source: Google Lat Long Blog

Movies come to Australia via the Google Play Store mobile app

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 12:31 PM PDT

Australians are starting to see some movies available for purchase via the Google Play Store app. This ability is currently only via the app and has yet to make its way to the Web Store. Ausdroid is reporting prices ranging from $19.99 AUD for The Raid up to $24.99 AUD for The Avengers.

Although the ability to purchase movies takes the Google Play Store one step closer to being a true iTunes competitor in Australia, our friends down under still lack the ability to purchase music or TV shows.

Source: Ausdroid

Featured Play Store Review: eRadar HD: Real-Time and Alerts [Weather]

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 12:10 PM PDT

Elecont Software is one of the top developers for weather related apps, so I figured I would let you know about eRadar HD: Real-Time and Alerts. Over the last few days, the weather is one of the hottest topics due to Hurricane Sandy, but lets face it, the weather is always a major focal point with everyday life. There isn’t a day that goes by where someone doesn’t ask me if it’s going to rain or snow. With eRadar HD, you will always have that information in your pocket because it tracks radar in real time.

Now there are a lot of apps like this, but eRadar is has some pretty special things going for it that I haven’t seen in any other radar app. First, eRadar gives you more up to date information as it’s pretty much real time. Who wants data that is 20 minutes old? You will get real time detailed HD images on top of Google Maps for not only rain and snow, but also tornados and hail. They even have their own color codes. Not only that, you will see all watches, warnings, and advisories issued by the National Weather Service. They cover just about anything you can think of including, air quality, avalanches, blizzards, floods, earthquakes, high winds, hurricanes, thunderstorms and so much more. There are so many that I don’t feel like counting them, but you can see the full list below. You will see these warnings color coded in the affected areas on the map. If you move the marker over it, you will get a summarized version of the advisory or warning, and you can tap it for more detailed information. If you so wish, you can even email the alert to someone else. Here are some example images from the weekend and as recent as few hours ago dealing with Hurricane Sandy.


This is on Saturday when my location was in Massachusetts

This is more current with my location in upstate New York


I’m still not done because they offer something else that I find very convenient. As you move away from your locale, there is another pointer that shows how far something is away from you. For example, when opening the app you will see a dot for where you are based on the GPS. That’s obviously normal for apps such as this, but there is another dot that acts as the distance indicator so you can move it to nearby radar and it will tell you exactly how far away that radar is from you. You can see this in the above images for the warnings listed. It’s really cool. You also get the expected stuff like being able to easily zoom in and out to get the right look.

Now I don’t have to tell you how awesome an app like this is for Hurricane Sandy, but like I mentioned before, weather is always a focal point. I have a 4 year old son who loves to play outside. I can always tell when it’s going to rain almost to the minute. My friends laugh at me and call me Meteorologist Rob. Now I don’t claim to be, nor do I plan on taking anyone’s place at the Weather Channel, but you might be shocked at just how much information and knowledge you will get from having an instant glimpse to what’s going on at the present time. As you get used to it, you will be able to pinpoint when rain will arrive. As everyone knows, the weather isn’t finite and it can change. With eRadar you will see those changes quicker than waiting for someone to announce it on the radio or the TV.

There are a couple of limitations with eRadar and one is that it doesn’t seem to show you much radar for very light rain, which is below 16dBZ. I guess you can consider this positive or negative depending on how you look at it. When it comes to light rain, there is a lot of inconsistencies with that radar so why get caught up with stuff that probably wouldn’t mess up your day anyway? On the flip side, it would be nice to see everything even it’s barely a drizzle. The final two limitations is that there isn’t a widget or status bar notifications. It’s not all bad news though because if it’s something you crave, you can check out their main app, called eWeather HD, Radar HD, Alerts. This app will not only give you the radar portion from eRadar HD, but so much more. eRadar HD: Real-Time Alerts costs $1.99 and eWeather HD, Radar HD, Alerts costs just $3.99. Although this post is about eRadar HD, I included links to eWeather as well so you can decide which one to grab. If you’re serious about your weather apps, you might want to just jump right in with eWeather, but if you’re a casual user looking for real-time information for possible threats of rain, snow, or if a hurricane is heading in your direction, definitely grab eRadar for only $1.99. After your scroll through the humongous list of features, you will see a quick informational video from the developer followed by download links. As always, let me know what you think and most importantly, stay dry.


  • Radar on Google Maps;
  • Watches, Warnings and Advisories on Google Maps;
  • Hi-Def resolution;
  • Animation;
  • Real-Time;
  • Distance measurement tool;
  • Snow and ice is shown as a different color than rain.

eRadar HD shows next Watches, Warnings and Advisories:

  •  911 Telephone Outage Emergency
  •  Administrative Message
  •  Air Quality Alert
  •  Air Stagnation Advisory
  •  Ashfall Advisory
  •  Ashfall Warning
  •  Avalanche Warning
  •  Avalanche Watch
  •  Blizzard Warning
  •  Blizzard Watch
  •  Blowing Dust Advisory
  •  Blowing Snow Advisory
  •  Brisk Wind Advisory
  •  Child Abduction Emergency
  •  Civil Danger Warning
  •  Civil Emergency Message
  •  Coastal Flood Advisory
  •  Coastal Flood Statement
  •  Coastal Flood Warning
  •  Coastal Flood Watch
  •  Dense Fog Advisory
  •  Dense Smoke Advisory
  •  Dust Storm Warning
  •  Earthquake Warning
  •  Evacuation Immediate
  •  Excessive Heat Warning
  •  Excessive Heat Watch
  •  Extreme Cold Warning
  •  Extreme Cold Watch
  •  Extreme Fire Danger
  •  Extreme Wind Warning
  •  Fire Warning
  •  Fire Weather Watch
  •  Flash Flood Statement
  •  Flash Flood Warning
  •  Flash Flood Watch
  •  Flood Advisory
  •  Flood Statement
  •  Flood Warning
  •  Flood Watch
  •  Freeze Warning
  •  Freeze Watch
  •  Freezing Drizzle Advisory
  •  Freezing Fog Advisory
  •  Freezing Rain Advisory
  •  Freezing Spray Advisory
  •  Frost Advisory
  •  Gale Warning
  •  Gale Watch
  •  Hard Freeze Warning
  •  Hard Freeze Watch
  •  Hazardous Materials Warning
  •  Hazardous Seas Warning
  •  Hazardous Seas Watch
  •  Hazardous Weather Outlook
  •  Heat Advisory
  •  Heavy Freezing Spray Warning
  •  Heavy Freezing Spray Watch
  •  Heavy Snow Warning
  •  High Surf Advisory
  •  High Surf Warning
  •  High Wind Warning
  •  High Wind Watch
  •  Hurricane Force Wind Warning
  •  Hurricane Force Wind Watch
  •  Hurricane Statement
  •  Hurricane Warning
  •  Hurricane Watch
  •  Hurricane Wind Warning
  •  Hurricane Wind Watch
  •  Hydrologic Advisory
  •  Hydrologic Outlook
  •  Ice Storm Warning
  •  Lake Effect Snow Advisory
  •  Lake Effect Snow Warning
  •  Lake Effect Snow Watch
  •  Lake Effect Snow and Blowing Snow Advisory
  •  Lake Wind Advisory
  •  Lakeshore Flood Advisory
  •  Lakeshore Flood Statement
  •  Lakeshore Flood Warning
  •  Lakeshore Flood Watch
  •  Law Enforcement Warning
  •  Local Area Emergency
  •  Low Water Advisory
  •  Marine Weather Statement
  •  Nuclear Power Plant Warning
  •  Radiological Hazard Warning
  •  Red Flag Warning
  •  Rip Current Statement
  •  Severe Thunderstorm Warning
  •  Severe Thunderstorm Watch
  •  Severe Weather Statement
  •  Shelter In Place Warning
  •  Short Term Forecast
  •  Sleet Advisory
  •  Sleet Warning
  •  Small Craft Advisory
  •  Snow and Blowing Snow Advisory
  •  Special Marine Warning
  •  Special Weather Statement
  •  Storm Warning
  •  Storm Watch
  •  Tornado Warning
  •  Tornado Watch
  •  Tropical Storm Warning
  •  Tropical Storm Watch
  •  Tropical Storm Wind Warning
  •  Tropical Storm Wind Watch
  •  Tsunami Advisory
  •  Tsunami Warning
  •  Typhoon Statement
  •  Typhoon Warning
  •  Typhoon Watch
  •  Volcano Warning
  •  Wind Advisory
  •  Wind Chill Advisory
  •  Wind Chill Warning
  •  Wind Chill Watch
  •  Winter Storm Warning
  •  Winter Storm Watch
  •  Winter Weather Advisory


eRadar_HD_Real-Time_and_Alerts_01 eRadar_HD_Real-Time_and_Alerts_02 eRadar_HD_Real-Time_and_Alerts_03 eRadar_HD_Real-Time_and_Alerts_04 eRadar_HD_Real-Time_and_Alerts_05 eRadar_HD_Real-Time_and_Alerts_06 eRadar_HD_Real-Time_and_Alerts_07 eRadar_HD_Real-Time_and_Alerts_08 eRadar_HD_Real-Time_and_Alerts_Splash_Banner eRadar_HD_Screenshot_01 eRadar_HD_Screenshot_02 eRadar_HD_Screenshot_03 eRadar_HD_Screenshot_04 eRadar_HD_Screenshot_05


Click here to view the embedded video.


QR Code generator

Play Store Download Link - eRadar HD: Real-Time and Alerts

QR Code generator

Play Store Download Link – eWeather HD, Radar HD, Alerts

Google Nexus event will not be rescheduled

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 12:02 PM PDT

For those hoping or wondering if Google will eventually reschedule their Google Nexus event that was originally planned for today, you can stop wondering. It now appears that Google was going to announce the 5 Nexus devices (16/32GB Nexus 10 tablet, 8/16GB Nexus 4, and the 32GB HSPA+ Nexus 7) that were added to the Play Store today, but they will not be rescheduling the event itself. The only thing left to wonder about now is how they’re going to promote these devices.

source:  Phandroid

Sign-up pages for newly announced Nexus devices are live on the Google Play Store

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 11:22 AM PDT

It might as well be Christmas morning for the Android lovers of the world. These are very exciting times for sure. Instead of leaks, we are now seeing a bevy of official news and links regarding the devices that we’ve been speculating about for what seems like all year.


Even though we didn’t see an official Google event due to it being cancelled (you’re in our thoughts, East-coasters), that’s not stopping Google from cutting to the chase and making official what appears to be what they would’ve covered at the New York event. Google has now thrown up the sign-up pages for each of their newly announced devices on the Play Store:  The 16/32GB Nexus 10 tablet, the 8/16GB Nexus 4, and the 32GB HSPA+ Nexus 7. You can hit the links to sign up for news on each of these devices’ availability. Are we having fun yet?


16GB Nexus 10

32GB Nexus 10

8GB Nexus 4 

16GB Nexus 4

32GB HSPA+ Nexus 7




Google announces Android 4.2, a new flavor of Jelly Bean

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 10:22 AM PDT

Google has announced the release of Android 4.2, an update to Jelly Bean, that promises to bring a new camera app, typing improvements, and other upgrades to the Jelly Bean experience. No doubt this was going to be part of Google’s announcement at their event today. While a hurricane may dampen the fun that was planned, it cannot stop the march of Android on to bigger and better things.

Headlining the changes are improvements to the camera app, adding the capability to create a “photo sphere.” This takes the concept of panoramic photos to the next level, letting photographers take pictures in any and every direction, then snapping them together into one immersive photo. The experience must be somewhat similar to a planetarium or possibly using Google Sky if the photo sphere is viewed on your device, though Google’s links to some examples were returning errors at the time of this writing.

Google appears to have jumped on the Swype bandwagon, as they introduce “Gesture Typing” which lets you glide your finger over the keyboard to type a word, only lifting when you get to the end of a word. Google indicates they have added predictive capabilities to help users complete their messages even faster. Google also mentions the dictionaries and text-to-speech capabilities have been improved, including the ability to voice type without a data connection.

Over the months we have seen clues here and there that support for multiple users was coming to Android and it is officially here in this latest update. Multi-user support means everyone can have their own homescreen, widgets, backgrounds, apps, and games. Google indicates that fast-switching between users exists – no logging on and logging off. However, this feature is only available on tablet devices.

Some of the other improvements include the ability to wirelessly stream your display to your HDTV using an HDMI wireless display adapter; a feature called “Daydream” which appears to be a screensaver type application that will display photos, news feeds or other items when a device is idle or docked; and expanded notifications that not only show more information, they let users initiate action directly from the notification area. Google has also added improvements to Google Now that enable you to see nearby photo spots, track packages, or quickly check upcoming movie info.

Under the hood, Google indicates they have made improvements to the UI and use of the CPU to make everything fast,fluid and smooth. They indicate Android’s code will now boost a CPU when you touch the screen then idle it back when not using a device in order to improve battery life.

FInally, Beam now supports the sharing of photos, videos, contacts, web pages, YouTube videos, directions and apps using NFC capabilities. Even a little thing, like automatically moving items on a homescreen to make room for new widgets or app icons, is included in the update. Accessibility options have also been improved for visually impaired users.

source: Android

3G HSPA+ Nexus 7 32GB Officially Announced

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 10:07 AM PDT


We unfortunately don’t have the privilege of seeing the new Nexus devices in person, but that hasn’t stopped Google from announcing its newest additions to the Nexus family. Google went ahead and announced one of the worst kept secrets and announced the 3G HSPA+ Nexus 7 32GB model. The device will come bearing HSPA+ bands, so those of you on AT&T or T-Mobile’s network here in the States or on various GSM networks abroad should be able to fully utilize and enjoy the tablet— albeit on slower data speeds and all. It’s going to be released to the masses on November 13th for a meager $299— so the wait shouldn’t be too bad for those of you who’ve been looking forward to this version of the device.


Google announces the Nexus 10, available November 13 for $399/16GB or $499/32GB

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 09:55 AM PDT

Earlier LG and Google made the Nexus 4 official and now they made the Nexus 10 official. As expected, it’s made by Samsung and it will feature a 2560 x 1600 display with a whopping 300ppi. It’s the highest resolution tablet on the planet. It will feature a battery that will give you 9 hours of playback time and 500 hours of standby time. It will sport Google’s latest update, Android 4.2 Jelly Bean and front-facing speakers just like the Galaxy Note 10.1. It will be the first truly sharable tablet with support for multiple users that you can easily switch from the lockscreen.

The Nexus 10 will be available for $399 for the 16GB version and $499 for 32GB starting on November 13 in the Google Play Store in U.S., U.K., Australia, France, Germany, Spain, Canada and Japan.

Full specs:

  • 10-inch 2560 x 1600 display at 300ppi
  • 1.7GHz A15 dual-core processor
  • 2GB of RAM
  • 5MP rear camera
  • 1.9MP front camera
  • microUSB and microHDMI
  • Dual Side NFC
  • 263.8mm x 177.8mm x 8.9mm
  • 603 grams

Hit the break for a quick video that features the Nexus 10 as well as the full press release

Click here to view the embedded video.


Samsung and Google introduce Nexus 10

Powerful 10" Tablet with the World's Highest Resolution Display

Mountain View, CA—October 29, 2012— The newest tablet from Google and Samsung's joint efforts, Nexus 10, is a powerful device that marries Samsung's best-in-class hardware, the latest version of Android—4.2 Jelly Bean, and the best of Google. With the world's highest resolution tablet display, all new multi-user support, immersive HD content and the best Google apps – Nexus 10 has something for everyone.

Nexus 10 packs powerful components inside a surprisingly lean, soft-to-the-touch frame – measuring an incredibly thin 8.9 mm and weighing just 603 grams, it's the perfect couch or coffee table companion. Nexus 10 was created in partnership with Samsung and comes with a blazing fast dual-core A15 processor and advanced MIMO WiFi, giving you web browsing speeds up to 4x faster than normal WiFi.*With the 1.9MP front-facing camera, you'll look great as you video chat with up to nine friends at once with Google+ Hangouts, and so will your friends on the dazzling 10″ display.

Nexus 10 was made for everyone to enjoy. Just turn on your tablet and tap your photo to sign in to your own home screen, apps, email, photos and storage. All new multi-user support lets each user have their own separate space, and save their own individual high scores on games, all on the same tablet. With the new Daydream mode on Nexus 10 you can display useful or delightful information on your tablet when it’s charging. Choose to show off your photo albums, get the latest news from Google Currents, and more.

Samsung continuously strengthens our partnership with Google to deliver the most compelling Android device experience, enabling users to be always on the top of the game.

Nexus 10 Product Specifications


 WiFi only


1.7 GHz A15 dual-core processor


 10" WQXGA (2560×1600, 300 ppi) display


Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean)


Main(Rear): 5 Megapixel Camera

Sub(Front): 1.9 Megapixel Camera


Codec: MPEG4, H.263, H.264, VC-1, DivX VP8,

Format: 3GP(MP4), WMV(ASF), AVI, FLV, MKV, WebM

Full HD(1080p) Playback & Recording @30 fps,



AC-3, Flac

3.5mm Ear Jack, Stereo speaker


Mobile Services

Google Chrome, Gmail, Google Talk, Google Maps for Android, Google Search, Voice Search, Google Now Google+, Gmail, YouTube, Google Currents, Google Play Store, Google Play Books, Google Play Movies, Google Play Magazines


Bluetooth® v 3.0

WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n (MIMO+HT40)



Pogo pin

Dual Side NFC



Barometer. Accelerometer, Gyro, Digital Compass, Light, Opening sensor


16/32GB User memory + 2GB (RAM)


263.8 x 177.8 x 8.9 mm, 603g


Standard battery, Li-ion 9,000mAh


* Based on theoretical peak speeds. Actual speeds may be lower.

* All functionality, features, specifications and other product information provided in this document including, but not limited to, the benefits, design, pricing, components, performance, availability, and capabilities of the product are subject to change without notice or obligation.

* Android, Google, Google Docs, Quick Office, Google Chrome Browser, Google DownloadsGoogle Play Store, Google Play Books, Google Play Movies, YouTubeGoogle Talk, Google Plus, GmailGoogle Maps, Google Latitude, Google Places, and Google Navigation are trademarks of Google Inc.

LG and Google make the Nexus 4 official

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 09:27 AM PDT

Since Google cancelled today’s event, we didn’t think we would be reporting anything official on the Nexus 4, but it looks like we are now. LG and Google decided to send out an official presser announcing the said device. The specs are what we expected and are as follows:

  • 4.7-inch WXGA True HD IPS Plus (1280 x 768 pixels)
  • 1.5GHz Quad-Core Qualcomm Snapdragon™ S4 Pro processor
  • 2GB of RAM
  • 8GB or 16GB of internal storage
  • 8MP rear camera
  • 1.3MP front camera
  • 133.9 x 68 x 9.1mm
  • 139 grams
  • 3G (WCDMA), HSPA+
  • NFC
  • Wireless charging

The next important thing is pricing and availability. It will be sold as unlocked starting November 13 in the Google Play Store, US, UK, Canada, Germany, France, Spain and Australia for $299 for the 8GB version and $349 for the 16GB. T-Mobile will also offer the 16GB version for $199 on contract. Offline availability in Europe, Central/South Americas, Asia, CIS and the Middle East will begin from the end of November.

This is the first Nexus device made by LG and it’s obviously something they are proud of.

"LG is proud and excited to play this role in helping build the latest Nexus smart-phone," said Dr. Jong-seok Park, President and CEO of LG Electronics Mobile Com-munications Company. "Users will be delighted by the perfectly balanced combination of form and function with the latest generation of Android."

"This is the first time we collaborated with LG to build a Nexus device," said Andy Ru-bin, Senior Vice President of Mobile and Digital Content at Google. "They brought an extraordinary amount of talent to the project, and the result is a feature-packed device that feels great in your hand, and blazingly fast under the hood."

Full press release after the break:


Sleek, New Smartphone Combines LG's Best-in-Class Hardware with the Best of Google

SEOUL, Oct. 30, 2012 – Designed collaboratively by LG and Google, Nexus 4, the newest smartphone in the Nexus line-up from Google, was announced today for avail-ability starting next month in select markets. With a sophisticated hardware design from LG, your favorite Google Apps, and the latest version of Android™, Nexus 4 puts the best of Google in the palm of your hand.

"LG is proud and excited to play this role in helping build the latest Nexus smart-phone," said Dr. Jong-seok Park, President and CEO of LG Electronics Mobile Com-munications Company. "Users will be delighted by the perfectly balanced combination of form and function with the latest generation of Android."

"This is the first time we collaborated with LG to build a Nexus device," said Andy Ru-bin, Senior Vice President of Mobile and Digital Content at Google. "They brought an extraordinary amount of talent to the project, and the result is a feature-packed device that feels great in your hand, and blazingly fast under the hood."

Capture and share your world
Nexus 4 comes with a high-performance 8MP camera and takes stunning Photo Sphere images, letting you capture every detail of the world around you. Up, down and all around you, it's like no camera you've ever seen; with Nexus 4, you can snap pictures in every direction that come together into incredible, immersive Photo Spheres that put you right inside the scene. Plus, photos upload themselves with Instant Upload so you'll never lose a shot.

All of this comes to life with stunning clarity and crisp, natural color on the vibrant 1280-by-768 4.7-inch True HD IPS Plus display supported by Zerogap Touch technol-ogy. Gently curved glass edges allow your finger to slide smoothly on and off the 320ppi screen, while cutting edge display technology means you feel like you're touch-ing every pixel, protected by scratch resistant Corning? Gorilla? Glass 2.

Built for speed
Nexus 4 comes with a cutting-edge Qualcomm Snapdragon™ S4 Pro processor, so you've got speed and power to spare. Zip around the web, experience rich 3D graphics and gameplay, and effortlessly switch between multiple apps without ever missing a beat. With 2GB of RAM and the fastest version of Android ever, Nexus 4 is the snappi-est Nexus smartphone yet.

Information at your fingertips
Nexus 4 comes with the latest Google apps, putting the best of Google in the palm of your hand. The latest version of Google Now is built-in, which keeps you even more organized – get reminders about upcoming flights, restaurant reservations, hotel confir-mations and even nearby photo opportunities – when and where you need them.

Get to the places you care about quickly and easily with Google Maps™ for Android. With turn-by-turn GPS navigation, live traffic info, and integrated driving, walking and public transit directions, getting from A to B has never been easier. 3D Maps and rich satellite imagery give you a more realistic sense of what's around you while features like Street View and Indoor Maps make sure you always know what's in front of you.

Nexus 4 is sold unlocked and is GSM/HSPA+ compatible so it will operate on more than 200 network providers worldwide. Just pop in a supported SIM card and be up and running in no time. It will be available to purchase in both an 8GB version and a 16GB version on Google Play™ starting November 13 in the US, UK, Canada, Germany, France, Spain and Australia. Offline availability in Europe, Central/South Americas, Asia, CIS and the Middle East will begin from the end of November.

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